Cheryl Petersen grew up on the family farm located in the Pacific Northwest. She graduated from Colorado State University and returned to the Northwest. Cheryl's life study of the Science of Truth, has brought about experiences that affirm the skill of healing spiritually. She opened a public office in 1993, offering prayer to people of all faiths. Clients felt improved thoughts transform their motives and actions thereby improving their human situations.
Cheryl has spoken at meetings discussing mind/body/spirit health. She has written many articles, advocating the powerfulness of our spirituality to overcome physical limitations.
After the turn of the century, Cheryl closed her office, detached herself from human organizations and began revising "Science and Health," published in 1875 by Mary Baker Eddy, an excellent textbook explaining the healing Truth. Her website offers "21st Century Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Her latest book is "from science & relgion to God: A Briefer narrative of Mary Baker Eddy's Science and Health." Available at
Cheryl is married. Her and her husband have two daughters and were licensed foster parents for fifteen years.
Click here for contemporary Christian Science Weekly Bible Lessons each week.
"from science & religion to God: A briefer narrative of Mary Baker Eddy's Science and Health available at Amazon
"21st Century Science and Health" is now in its Fifth Edition, available online at
"If you knew the power of thoughts, you would never think a negative thought." Peace Pilgrim
"Existence if happier when our motive is to entertain and form relationships with people who are striving to improve their inner self." Mary Baker Eddy
A person gets to know Cheryl Petersen through recognition of their own spirituality. Our spiritual natures understand one another and meet in light. Cheryl's latest book, " from science & religion to God: A briefer narrative of Mary Baker Eddy's Science and Health," is a reading tool to align thought with the divine.
Cheryl has spent the last ten years researching and revising an exceptional textbook on Mind-Science, God, and healing as Jesus healed. "21st Century Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," is now found at