A sought-after business/success coach and speaker, Dr. Candace House is the author of You Frame Your World by the Words You Say, Shut the Door It is Well, What is God Eating and her new book Dream Makers versus Day Dreamers. She coaches entrepreneurs and professionals seeking a more purposeful path.
Dr. House is the host of the television show The Breathing Room and her new show Today’s Dream Maker along with hosting three radio shows. She is a frequent media contributor to other radio and television shows as well.
Candace’s professional training includes a degree in Human Resource Mgt with continued education in the Christian arena. Earned and titled D.Div., Psy.D. in Christian Psychology and Ph.D. in Theology were conferred upon her.
An entrepreneur at heart, she worked at four fortune 500 companies spanning a 20 year time period. Positions held are Human Resource Manager, Account & Marketing Executive, Business Analyst and Sales Director.
Dr. House is the Founder and CEO of several companies. The World Education Network Inc (TWEN), in conjunction with World Ed Learning , is a company that provides curriculum, tutoring & technology for students around world. Your World Realized is her success coaching business.
To find out more about Candace visit her web site .
" To be a success in life, it takes the proper key to unlock the door." - Dr. Candace House
" Fear is the thief of Abundance." -Dr. Candace House
You create the environment you are surrounded by, with your thoughts. You, therefore, as the master of thought, are the maker of yourself, the shaper and author of your environment Paul said in the book he wrote to the Romans in the 12th chapter that they were not to be conformed to the world but needed to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. That they may prove what was the good and acceptable will of God for their lives.
You may ask, “What do we need to be renewed from?” Answer. The thought patterns of the world that Paul is describing are the beliefs and interpretations that have been accumulated from our life. Influences of others in our lives have left irreversible impressions on us and shaped the way we think. The science of cognitive psychology has proven through years of research on hundreds of thousands of people, adults and children, is that we are not aware of most of what we are thinking.
Most of the time we cannot even recall the thought or belief that have had a profound effect on the way we feel and behave; we know that how you think determines how you feel. If you have no idea of what you think then there is a lot of your experience that you are powerless over. Negative and overwhelming feelings just seem to happen to you.
Hal Lindsey points out that "to renew" means to exchange one thing for another. In other words, when we put off and put on, we're exchanging our thinking for God's. If we're not willing to yield, set aside and relinquish our own thoughts, however, then our thinking process will never be renewed and our lives will never be transformed.
© 2007 Dr Candace House excerpt from “ You Frame Your World by the Words You Say”
Be sure to get your copy today here.
Are you trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B and it seems like you are never going to figure it out? Are you looking for the answer to change and still haven’t found it? Maybe you have tried self help books and gone to seminars and conferences and things still have not changed. Let me help you get started in the right direction. www.candacehouse.com or you can contact me at www.yourworldrealized.com