After retiring from a successful career as a management consultant to hundreds of radio stations a decade ago, Bob now writes the #1 blog on Google for the search term Satisfying Retirement. Bob's goal is to help you plan for and live a productive retirement lifestyle that includes relationship development, health management, financial concerns, working after retirement, developing your creativity and finding your passion.
His first e-book, Building a Satisfying Retirement,has been downloaded, for free, thousands of times. A follow up, Countdown to Retirement will be available, by free download, by the end of June. It is written for the person who is still working full time, but wants to gather information about what is ahead.
Getting ready for a satisfying retirementinvolves so much more than just worrying about your financial health. Your relationships, health, time management, need or desire to build a business, creativity, spirituality...all must function at peak efficiency for your life to be what you want it to be.
The time to begin preparing for a successful transition to a happy retirement lifestyle is well before you leave your full time job.
Visit Ask for your free e-book on developing the next phase of your life. E-mail questions or ask for private consultation. There is no charge.