Bill White was born in 1969, and adopted by the people who became his family in that same year. At the age of ten, his parents separated, and five members of his family died, including his beloved grandmother, who passed away in the presence of 10-year-old Bill on Christmas Day, 1979.
At an age when most young people are riding their bikes, playing baseball, and not worrying about much other than their homework, Bill had already come face to face with that question, “What is the use?” He immersed himself in a study of ancient and modern philosophical, theological and metaphysical traditions from throughout the world, seeking an answer to that question.
Bill’s study continues to this day, and his websites, products and services provide the seeker with a much needed synthesis of the various traditions available, and more than that, offers very practical applications of a vast amount of esoteric knowledge. It is this combination of learning and living his philosophy, with an appreciation of all cultures and systems, that makes synchronicity an essential topic and Bill White the teacher of synchronicity for our times.
Decoding Life's Secret Messages, a course that took 30 years to develop, reveals the secrets of synchronicity and how to tap into the constant communication we receive from God or the Universe that assists us in fulfilling our personal destinies.
The Roman philosopher Seneca said:
"The willing, Destiny guides them; the unwilling, Destiny drags them".
It makes a lot more sense to embrace it!
What is Destiny? Let's dig into the concept of destiny. I'll give you real world examples.
There is not one of us but has his appointed position, and we are verily ranged in ranks [for service]. Islam. Qur'an 37.164-65
All appointments are from Heaven, even that of a janitor.
Judaism. Talmud, Baba Batra 91b
Shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given me?
Christianity. John 18.11
Mencius said, "Though nothing happens that is not due to destiny, one accepts willingly only what is one's proper destiny. That is why he who understands destiny does not stand under a wall on the verge of collapse. He who dies after having done his best in following the Way dies according to his proper destiny. It is never anyone's proper destiny to die in fetters."
Confucianism. Mencius VII.A.2
The order that God has arranged, mortal man cannot upset.
African Traditional Religions. Akan Proverb (Ghana)
The concept of destiny permeates just about every doctrine in the world. Destiny means the purpose you were born into the world to fulfill. It is the idea that there are predetermined events in your life that will be encountered despite your best efforts to avoid them. There has been a debate raging for centuries about two seemingly opposite concepts, that of destiny and that of free will.
I have reconciled the two in my own theory of existence. If we imagine a straight line, running from our birth, through our life to death, I would define that as destiny. If we imagine a sine wave running across that straight line, I'd define that as freewill. When we follow our destiny things always seem to go right, "synchronicities" occur and everyone thinks we live a charmed life. When we make choices that are out of alignment with our destiny, we have a break down, where things seem to conspire against us. Life seems hard and we say, "What's the use?" But there is a corrective action, when we stray we are guided, sometimes gently and sometimes severely back to our purpose. This isn't to be taken as a punishment, but rather a rebalancing.
The first thing you need to do right away is go over to and register with Synchronicity In Your Life, what was formerly a digital magazine and now a full scale membership website. There are multiple membership options, including a free member level, that gives you access to all 3 years of past Synchronicity in Your Life magazine issues as well as some high quality bonus gifts. Come join a community of spiritual people helping each other grow!
If you're ready to cast off the blinders that hide your destiny and see the Universe as it really is, I'd encourage you to first stop by my website, . You'll find quite a bit of information available there, a blog, audio, video, as well as solid and useful information on the site. You'll always have the opportunity to expand upon the initial information with my teleseminars, coaching programs, books, audios and other products and services, all geared to cut through the philosophy and train you to see as I see and hear as I hear. This method of experiencing life reveals that we are truly never alone, being constantly guided and assisted by the Universe or God.
To email Bill, To book bill for speaking, Dee White 757-644-6455