Who am I? My name is Bill Urell MA, CAAP-II, I have been in continuous recovery for 16 years, and work as an addictions therapist at a leading residential treatment center. I teach healthy life styles and life skills as a component of holistic addictions treatment. I currently am specializing in work with older adults. I use 12 step facillitation and am trained in Motivational Interviewing and CBT.
I have written a book called "The Addiction Recovery Help Guide" which I give away, and have authored over 100 articles on various topics concerning addiction recovery.
One thing that I have learned is that the best way to present complex information is to break it down into simple and easily understood information. I have been told I am pretty good at that. I have a passion for recovery.
All this is the result of a midlife crisis where I switched careers, bought a convertible and moved South. After a somewhat misspent youth, and working at a high pressure job I came to dislike intensely, I got this idea that I wanted to make a positive contribution to the world. Not to become rich or famous and build my ego, but more for personal satisfaction.
I hit a brick wall or glass ceiling in recovery and started asking myself "Is this all there is?" I wasn't happy, in fact I was in a crisis as big as the one that got me in treatment years ago, just different issues.. I came to realize I had been abstinent for years, but had neglected my personal growth in recovery.
I asked myself when I am in the casket 6 feet deep and family and friends are gathered around, how do I want to be remembered? What will they engrave on the tombstone. I don't want to be spinning in the grave for all eternity. Kind of kidding there, but not really. I realized what was really important was not what I owned, (and it was never much), but it was more who I am, and who, if anyone, I had touched in a positive way.
I love the internet and computers, own about 45 websites and blogs, an authority blog site, Addiction Recovery Basics
as well as The Recovery Club
, and my hobby is anything to do with the internet. I love to spend time on Florida's beautiful beaches basking in the sun and listening to the surf.
I have completed a 6 month membership site, The Recovery Club. This is a membership club that will provide a comprehensive multi-media home study course on topics in drug and alcohol addiction recovery and the building of life skills. It is designed for those enerting or in recovery who want to 'grow in recovery'.
A warm welcome to you.
Enough about me. I'd love to hear from you with any ideas, suggestions for content, or questions. You can reach me at billurell@therecoveryclub.com
or admin@AddictionRecoveryBasics.com
Thank You and Safe Sobriety
Bill Urell
M.A., Addictions Counseling, CAAP-II
"You usually find whatever it is you are looking for"
Live Well!!!
PS: I am looking for JV and affiliate partners. The club is is at http://TheRecoveryClub.com
I am nearing the completion of content for The Recovery Club. This is a membership club that will provide a comprehensive multi-media home study course on topics in drug and alcohol addiction recovery. It is designed for those enerting or in recovery who eant to 'grow in recovery'.
I am looking for JV and affiliate partners, offering 50% commission which will be $83.50 launch of the product will be in early May 2008 and the preliminary sales page is at http://TheRecoveryClub.com