Beth has been a psychologist since 1985. Practicing at univeristy counseling centers, Beth has conducted groups in stress management, women in transition, and eating disorders.
In the early 90's Beth left the university system and began practicing in independent practice. She worked as a licensed psychologist in independent practice until the sudden death of her husband.
At that point, Beth decided to pursue her career in wellness, strengths, and focus on aiding others in making the worse time in their lives transform into something positive. SHe formed The Phoenix Rises Coaching company to work as a coach in teaching people the skills to "bounce back", thrive, and appreciate the successes of their lives.
No longer wanting to work with insurance companies and labeling people's pathologies, Beth joined Mentor Coach because of the emphasis on strengths, wellness, and encouraging positive growth.
Beth has been a keynote speaker at Women and Wellness Programs both in Idaho and Washington. She has been both teacher and trainer for groups in managing workplace stress and challenge.
Currently, Beth is working on a book which provides a format for running groups using the primary principles outlined in the emerging research from positive psychology.
Beth is the proud mother of two daughters, both successful professionals, as well as a step daughter, who is also a strong and powerful woman.
Beth loves wearing her tiara during times of crisis. She adores her calico cat, Miss Diva. Has become addicted to blogging and views her own blog, as a wonderful addition to her life.
Her goals are many, in another life she WILL be a rock star.
She enjoys quilting, movies, and "teasing" people and is planning on participating in the Danskin Triatholon in Seattle in 2008 at the ripe age of 57....
Her top VIA signature strength is HUMOR AND PLAYFULNESS...closely followed by GRATITUDE.
Beth's laugh and her eye twinkle make her stand out in any group...
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing and mistakes into important events.Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow" Melodie Beattie
It's hard to fight an ememy who has outposts in your head Sally Kempton as quoted in Esquire magazine, 1970 "Sometimes our flame goes out, but isblown again into instant flame by encounter with another human being."Dr. Albert Schweitzer