My name is Barbara Simon and I am specialised in the area of back care. I have studied in Germany a technique which is called Dorn Spinal Therapy and have been teaching it to other health care practitioners for 3 years now. My trainings are accredited by the NCBTMB which means I will soon head to the US to teach there as well. Currently I am living in Sydney/Australia with my family and run my own clinic, Back Care Solutions, here. Further to training Dorn therapists I also teach practitioneres how to improve their businesses so they can live the life style they really deserve. For more information please go to or
I am running training workshops to learn the Dorn Spinal Therapy and I also have the training as a homestudy course including marketing material. This training is fantastic for pracititoners who want to focus on back and neck problems and need a skill that gives them more successful treatment outcomes. And of course for those who also want to learn how to attract more clients and improve business.
ONe of my most important quotes is from the speech from Churchill: Never give up!another one I relly like is the explanation os insanity: Expecting different outcomes by doing the same thing again and again.
Leaving the comfort zone is one of the most challenging but rewarding things to do! So go for it.
Most information is to be found on . But for any questions you can always email me to
You can contact me via email: or via phone ++61 2 99188057. Please be aware of time differences to Australia as I don't like to get woken in the middle of the night.