Founder and President of The One Command Global Corporation
Author, The One Command Nightingale-Conant author, The One Command: Imprint Your DNA for Lasting Wealth and Happiness Nightingale-Conant author, The Theta Code: Activate Your Blueprint of Vital Health Founder The One Command Success Coaching Host of Living in the Quantum Field over 100,000 listenersiTunes Show Activate Your Rich Mind for Wild Success
International speaker, author of The One Commandand co-author of Nothing But Net with James Malinchak of ABC's SEcret Millionaire, founder of The One Command Executive Success Coaching program, Asara Lovejoy is one of the most compelling voices to emerge from the self-help and human potential arenas in decades.
Asara says, “I am so fortunate to get to live my highest values of awakened consciousness and transformation every day. But it wasn’t always like that. In my own down and out moment of loss I not only received the content of a new way to live life differently as shared in The One Command, but by applying those very principles I went from nearly broke to generating over two-million dollars in revenue from this simple and powerful idea”.
In addition, Asara shares a message of hope and inspiration as she says, “If I can do it so can you!”
Over 325,000 folks around the worldhave all ready responded to the new revelation in consciousness that Asara shares. She says, “You are hard-wired for success right within your brain, biology and DNA and in 6-easy steps and One Command you can discover how to access that power.”
Asara is a mega hit best-selling author at Nightingale-Conant, the largest motivational and self-help publisher in the world for over 50 years. She has joined the greats like, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Joe Vitale, Tony Robbins, and Brain Tracy to mention a few in her best-selling programs, The One Command: Imprint Your DNA for Lasting Wealth and Happiness and she says, don’t ask for what you want, don’t wait for what you want Command it!
Her message is simply this. “You have a greatness right within you and by directly accessing your theta brain wave you can instantly change your mind, your emotions, your genetic programs and your DNA by your command.
I discovered this simple yet revolutionary ability when I hit my own wall. That wall many of us have experienced when we were shaking underneath the covers at night worried to death about that next pay check, keeping our home, making a good life for our children, handling a divorce or messy martial affair, losing a job, building a successful business or going for corporate advancement or any of the many trying times we have all gone through.
I discovered there is and always has been extraordinary states of awarenesswe can activate and operate in our daily life, naturally and easily. In reality it is more natural to be peaceful and relaxed, rather than angry, fearful, and stressed. It is more natural to live from our extraordinary states, but you have to reclaim that ability to do so.
For many years I investigated the different brain waves, beta, ordinary thinking – which I call our horizontal relationship with the outside world - and alpha, theta and delta which I call the vertical relationship with our hopes, dreams and desires - and eventually came to know what extraordinary beings we truly are. What we can accomplish is so magnificent it astounds the limited mind.
The path to our greatness is so simple. It is through conscious access to our extraordinary states, the theta brain wave, lived daily. The wonderful success stories from those who have expanded their minds to new possibilities by lowering their brain to theta consciously and issuing The One Command astounds me every time I hear another almost seemingly, “magical event”. Yet it quite quickly can and does become the rule rather than the exception.
Once you learn the process then the real adventure begins. This new teaching becomes an unwinding in your body and mind, even down to the DNA itself of your limited ideas - at the same moment they are replaced with demonstration upon demonstration of the “greater capacity” within you. The rewinding is beyond measure in results, achievement and satisfaction.
I invite you to investigate a new way of living and being in all the dimensions of who you are. Now I call that the next great adventure of your life.
Join us on the journey.
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Discover your personal secret power thorugh our premier Foundation course, Activate Your Rich Mind for Wild Success with The One Command.The practice of The One Command ®immediately enhances your mindset, removes limiting triggers and opens the door to new possibilities in every area of your life. In this audio visual course you go behind the scenes to how and why you have undiscovered portions of your intelligence that can make a tremendous difference for your success, satisfaction and accomplishement. My Executive Coaching clients often take this short course even before we hold our sessions for faster and better results.
Or if you our on a journey of self-discovery and then you'll find this knowledge extremely valuable.
Enjoy what I call the next great adventure of your life - dsicovering the true power of who you are!
"You are much grander than you think you are." Asara Lovejoy
"Be the change you want to see in the world." Einstein
"To be successful, all you have to do is give up everything you think you know in your small field of intelligence and allow events beyond your imagination to appear." Asara Lovejoy
"Many can argue that reality it as it is, but my experience is that the opposite is exactly true, reality is ours for the making." Asara Lovejoy
What if i told you that you are a success genuis in dsiguiseand that you are bilogically hard-wired with secret powers for your sucess? I've had the good fortune of reaching about 325,000 folks arond the world with this news of their innate power and they send me emails every day with stories of thier sucess.
The Process
Most folks incuding myself, for most of our life only concentrate on making things better through lots of hard work and effort steming from intense focus and concentration in our logical every day problem solving beta mind. The basis for this teaching is the knowledge that you have an amazing capacity located in that resourceful part of your mind known as the theta
mind and by directing your mind to that greater intelligence you quickly access new and innovative ideas. You can quickly reach that greater intelligence through six-stepsthat change your thinking from ordinary beta
to theta
, a much deeper level of your consciousness.
Once you are able to enter into theta at will, you issue the One Commandin a unified state of mind; the results are powerful in cerating what you desire in a moment.
On the personal level, within your body is the blueprint of your character, dreams, and desires. In The One Command Executive Success Coaching program you are able to reach naturally and easily into the deepest levels of yourself, even down to your DNA, and thus make remarkable changes in your life.
Our program shows you how to Activate Your Rich Mind for Wild Success. Once you see the goal, no one can prevent you from making the journey. These original and unusual ideas are designed to change your life forever by changing the way that you think about cash, money, prosperity, financial wealth, health, happiness and success.
Please join us in Commandingthe wealthy future you desire and deserve, rich in money and prosperous with success, achievement, and satisfaction every step of the way!
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Asara Lovejoy
The One Command