I am Aryana B. Hudson founder of Blue Matrix Energetics™; a powerful, system of energetic healing and developed Quantum Mind Tech™ tools for over eighteen years. Blue Matrix Energetics™ has done pioneer work on the importance of mitochondria in the action of the codex on it by the awakened spirit for age prevention, de aging, and increased longevity and in its role in the possible theory of ascension in addition as an energetic scientifically explainable phenomenon.
I am a fully Ordained Priest in the Order of Melchizedek through World Light Fellowship. The Melchizedek priesthood is over 4,000 years old, making it the oldest continuous priesthood on earth. I have the right and privileges to legally perform marriages, preside at funerals, baptize, bless, and perform any of my other priestly duties. World Light Fellowship is a Church incorporated in the state of New York and is fully recognized by the US Federal Government as a church and as an International Association of Churches in the Order of Melchizedek. Had I not embarked on my own quantum filed experience I would not have all the new information that I write about from my experience that they do not teach.
For three years, I held the positions of Director and President of the Canadian Reiki Association was profiled in the Globe and Mail as leader in complementary, energetic therapies industry, and later developed Blue Matrix Energetics.™ I am also a published author of novel Drums of the Winged Carrier 2020, screenwriter, Artist , and have over ten years of experience in the corporate, business world in sales, marketing and management and still offer marketing expertise that encourages optimal success in small and corporate business practice. I have studied traditional eastern and non traditional focus, studied meditation and healing techniques, attended, continued to study areas of science such as anatomy, biology, biochemistry, physics, astronomy that helped incredibly to understand the function of our DNA in the observer as affected by our observation and participation in all aspects of life. Knowledge from these sciences is included in Blue Matrix Energetics training modules to allow the participant a unique learning program in energy science.
Over the past twenty years I have continued to upgrade my science-based knowledge and experience of the brain, our biological healing potentials, genetics, the human energy field and the variety of frequency realms that we inhabit as multi-dimensional beings from my observations as a healing professional and pioneer in energy science. This diverse background allows me to provide you with comprehensive training that is free of new age dogma. In addition the personal development of each client that allows the maximization of creative potential heightening personal and business success is provided in the Blue Matrix Energetics services to both private clients, groups and business groups.
I am also a novelist and screenwriter for film and television where I incorporate many concepts I have both created and remote viewed in the future as potentials occurring in lovely timelines of greater enlightenment in addition to contributing twenty nine articles for this site.
In 2006 I ascended to higher vibrational worlds described in physics hyperspace taking the entire body out of the physical dimension and back down again to write and teach it is from experiencing those dimensions that we are capable of attaining that I wrote all of the Blue Matrix Energetics content from in the energetic science understanding of what the human potentials once the codex is fully unlocked. I am able to produce the phenomenon of golden wings that early Mesopotamian statues depict of the winged gods and wrote my reincarnation story in the starlightsdate.blogspot.com blog. I teach BME workshops at events in Surrey BC in person where those who desire may meet me. I have other BME Instructors and practitioners’ world wide.
Blue Matrix Energetics is not a religion it is a culmination in the study of consciousness as a divine force upon our biological matrix; the human body and it involves the practice of Quantum Mind Tech tools for over twenty years from my experience in the areas mentioned in this bio.
Lastly I have a very interesting reincarnation history featured on the starlight'sdate blog that will astound people is traced through Mesopotamia, Egypt and to the last one in Hollywood as Marilyn Monroe with a great story about my soul mate which I wrote a feature film about.
Aryana Hudson You tube channel is also my information about work, Marilyn Monroe and ET challenges and developments I have experienced and witnesed .
Customized Healing and Wellness Plan
Aryana provides a three phase program to help her clients achieve the highest level of wellness possible. The first phase consists of providing hands on healing in specific levels of their energy field to effectively correct health imbalances. The second phase includes providing vital knowledge that addresses the cause of the imbalances and the psychological adjustments that need to be made in order to achieve and maintain lasting perfect health. The last phase features effective tools and a powerful energetic technique that the client learns through training and applies in daily life to maintain optimum wellness.
Over the past twelve years my brain has been developed as a receiver for Divine Intelligence and that mind is the conduit for this energy and performs the healing work. This is how I am able to read my clients energetic field determining the root cause of various ailments and shift them to a new level of consciousness. I am engaged in on going training to keep expanding my consciousness to produce higher levels of mind. These elements have allowed me to become a truly gifted healer and always achieves results with my clients. For those who do not live in the Vancouver lower mainland area I do offer healing sessions remotely so whatever location you live in you may still use my services.
Blue Matrix Training™ Workshops for Everyone
I created Blue Matrix Energetics™ to allow everyone access the experience of themselves as Creator; the true source of unlimited healing and inner transformation. In my training I synthesize principals of quantum mechanics (via understanding how sub atomic particles are alive and conscious) and knowledge gained from my own experience to illustrate the anatomy of your Spiritual self without dogmatic interpretations. Quantum Mind Tech™ is taught to navigate through the quantum field of potentials and create the Q Field Certainty Principal. Progressive stages of the Merkaba are taught and allow you direct experience of the higher frequency dimensions of you as Creator.
One of the greatest challenges for those involved in any type of energetic healing is explaining what it is and how it works to the general public. For this reason energetic healers, complementary practitioners and others who practice any type of discipline that involves running energy through the body have been associated with the mystical and mysterious. This does not lend itself to establishing credibility or efficacy of energetic practices. Over many years of study I have integrated knowledge and experience that does explain the anatomy of energetic development and healing. All who learn Blue Matrix Quantum Mind Tech™ will gain greater understanding also and practitioners will be able to explain what they do in rational terms that are easy to comprehend.
Blue Matrix Modules and healing sessions are also offered remotely so clients all over the world are able to receive healing benefits and participate in training. The training sessions are conducted over the telephone and course materials are emailed to you directly so that you can experience Blue Matrix from the comfort of your own home! For more information please contact Aryana.
Below you will find a list of modules available below. Practitioners interested in certification are required to complete a practicum for each module for training.
Many great beings through our history have taught about the overcoming of the lower drives to create a higher consciousness state. Our present human condition with many challenges still persists nonetheless and Quantum Mind Tech tools have been created to include information about directing the energy of lower drives to serve the observer in ways that support all of the other tools taught in Blue Matrix Energetics.
We have over seven hundred BME clients trained world wide and who are practicing Quantum Mind Tech tools with practitioners in the US and Canada also some abroad.
Note: an assortment of articles are offered written by me. Permision is granted to print and use any of these by other selfgrowth experts or trained colleagues in workshops and classes as named reference materials or reading list contributions.
I learned about the process of remembering information over the ages that belonged to me from other lives. This is not an easy feat as I no longer have the brain in this lifetime to call forth information that was stored in a brain that died in a previous incarnation. I only had the current one and the soul had to use it to translate the knowledge through symbols (as you know the soul's natural language sped up) even though my genetics are not exactly the same as the other lifetimes. A translation of that information occurred with some gaps as forgiven as this is not a linear process to view these details but a magnetic resonance to receive what is relevant to current life path as chosen by me. This occurred to a greater degree when I rejected all hypocrisy and suppression of truth to live my life fully without fear. My codex opening became very profound as lower emotions left forever without my entity consciousness exposing them, finding humor and correcting my attitude. That is mastering mind management.
A familiar vibration I know in viewing symbols in historical information captures my attention in a different manner than a standard remote view or enlightened cognitive viewing. Once I focused on the symbols or picture from a book, website or actual location more symbols would flash at me very fast and snipets of the 'movie' at times answering my questions. Diligently I would write articles as you know and research AFTER writing most of the time and to my astonishment at the beginning my observations were usually backed by the research data I found. I still write and research this way and listen to my consciousness pointing me in the correct direction.
What I found very engaging was that remote cognizant viewing forward also showed me places that area actual places on Earth. (Off Earth places must be confirmed one day by an actual visit or data however if my track record is great here then I have confidence in the off Earth things I have observed and written about also existing somewhere). So what I learned is that my soul was showing me the future of my time on Earth that I could participate in if I chose to for all is changeable and we are not bound by it.
Early pre dynastic and first early dynastic information that I have shared links on here is very meaningful for me and the heritage of it impacts Blue Matrix Energetics which I post privately here for our group only. Some of the symbols of the hieroglyphs I decoded through soul memory. It is the easiest way looking that far back. Even the writing styles of some of the tablets vs others are highly familiar to me and the genetic information that I wrote about in some of the articles is from memory of those times and what some of the scholars missed in their books about them. Readers will 'know ' their own truth and if it fits with their reincarnation soul record about what in history is complete and incomplete in terms of how the information is presented by scholars and also where my writing fits in for the observer reading it. What shocked me was that both of my children drew pictures of objects that I found in the stone tablets and it is not uncommon for families to reincarnate together that may have lived in a vibrational specific or matching time. Children often remember their past lives that are the most relevant to the current incarnation and my son once told me that he remembered fighting in the dessert as he tranced at about age three. I learned the importance of listening to our children when they are very little as if we don't hear the information gets lost later as the soul of them is immersed in the demands of the current life. Many of us reincarnated in the same historical eras more than once..especially if we did not complete something and loved that time period.
Most important of the artifacts I recognized is the knowledge of codex key and DNA activation that has been around for thousands of years. Much of this is written about in my articles and taught more in depth in Quantum Mind Tech tools. I hope you all enjoy the offerings of Blue Matrix Energetics. My endeavors bring to mind something I call 'the Return of Alexandria' which is the retreival of ancient knowledge that those of us who lived in those times are able to decode from the artifacts left behind through codex keys given when the mind is trained at a higher level of consciouness and are able to restore one some of the wisdom of the most tragic historical losses of sacred texts from the Egyptian Dynasties in our history. This is not he wearing of a paper crown that those who are unauthentic emulate instead of honoring a genuine open codex key that alows the rememberance of information from the ancient times that has relevance now. My favourite symbol is a black female panther adorned with orchids for the wisdom of the jungle is knowing that when a python bites you it is nature's joke about reincarnation if wisdom is not attained about geneticly imprinted information we are here to code in retreiving the knoledge of the ages to apply in a greater present.
Why is Blue Matrix Energetics so safe? You as the observer have a built in mechanism that rejects any experience if you as that entity consciouness has not agreed to allow the body certain experiences or trained it to have them and calibrates the body according to the acceptance of progress. Usually built into all people persuing energy science work so the progress is attained according to what each being is ready for and accepts. Instructors and practitioners of BME do not dictate the rate of progress over the client it is a mutual agreement of joyous engagement.
Ever feel woozy after reading something very powerful? Like you can barely keep your eyes open? That is a sign of your observer soaking up the information, the soul loving it and the brain changing accordingly. This is normal in the digestion of high level, vibrationally, high information and not dissimilar to attending a conference or workshop of the same caliber and also receiving an energy healing session where the brain is tranced to a state similar to lucid dreaming. Such often occurs with BME modules and material. That is the individual evolving in lovely ways so that the consciouness is able to grow and handle the processing of higher concentrations of information including abstract information not dissimilar to how one processes during an IQ test.
For artice use: Simply print of all of them and put into a folder and read on your own time.
Note: for anyone who studies with me that is a practitioner teaching of BME techniques is not granted including the techniques given in these articles. Articles may be used in your training sessions however in order to learn the techniques correctly please see a certified BME practitioner or instructor. Inclusive of this are any Unified Reiki practitioners: please contact me for your complimentary BME package update for practitioners and Instructor level is offered at a special rate for this group only in order to allow you to teach the BME Quantum Mind Tech tools as I no longer service any Unified Reiki practitioners. Recipients of the practitioners packages are required to book one session per module received in order to review the material and to be certified to practice professionally with a practicum hours completed for each module.
Review all given here and make notes according to your own observations. In enthusiasm to share the information simply pass along the article as this is a non karmic loading activity that is simpler than attempting to teach it to a loved one in the early stages of a beings understanding.
Training modules in Quantum Mind Tech tools are available on:
Quantum Slim available on:
No Blue Matrix Energetics content is modifiable in any way. No permission will ever be granted to do so.
Blue Matrix Energetics™ Training Highlights
Among topics covered are the following:
Dimensional and scientific anatomy of the human energy field.
The brain as central processor of streaming frequencies.
Morphogenic properties of DNA as directed by mind.
The role of the emotions in initiating chemical sequences that affect the body beneficially or detrimentally.
Mind Management via Blue Matrix Energetics Quantum Mind Tech™ tools.
More detailed descriptions of Module content follows below.
Complimentary Healing Practitioners
This is advanced training suitable for practitioners of Reiki, Therapeutic Touch or any other energy-based healing modality, wishing to upgrade their skills, expand their experience of energy healing and expansion of consciousness. This process is taught at four levels during one or two-day, scheduled modules.
Individuals are certified to conduct their own Blue Matrix Energetics practice upon successful completion of a practicum period for each level of training.
All of students receive course hand-outs, certificates and mentoring.
**New Quantum Slim** module offered for those who desire healthier metabolism with enhanced beauty as an added benefit. Learn about the biochemical proceces of the body and the executing of a higher will to reform the program that runs a slower metabolism. Dieting and restricting callories is not part of Quantum Slim as this generally places people in a 'lack' and 'restricted' mindset. It is not the denial of certain foods that will make the weight slip off but rather a changed quantum state in the central processor; the brian that callibrates a new body state.
Please visit http://www.ibluematrix.com/workshops.htm to purchase modules.
Contact Blue Matrix Energetics
E-Mail Address
Email Aryana
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