Dr Annie Kaszina is an authority of Emotional Abuse
Recovery, who effectively uses a number of healing modalities to help her
clients be free of the fear, low self-worth and lack of motivation that stop
them from rebuilding their lives.
Annie’s passion it to empower clients by providing the necessary
insights and tools, together with strong self-belief, so that they can build
better boundaries, make better relationships, be better role models for their
children and reach their potential in every area of their life.
A certified Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner, Annie
loves helping others to develop more of their talents and abilities. She has been helping abused women break free
from abusive relationships and build a life to love since 2002.
Having worked with individuals and groups for nearly 20
years, Annie was aware that abused women really are a group apart with special
needs. “Abused women have become used
to not getting their needs met and ‘putting up and shutting up’. Before they can move out of the abused
mind-set, they need to know that the person they are working with has a
specific understanding of their needs, feelings, hurts and past
experience. This serves to establish
trust. Once that trust has been
established, abused women can start to make changes quickly and easily.”
Over the years Annie has discovered the tips and techniques
that are guaranteed to help women make the biggest shifts in mind-set in the
shortest possible time. “You cannot
change the past, but once you know
you can create a better future, the
old negative feelings will just fall away.”
If you are ready to take the next step towards taking
control of your life,email Annie now at annie@EmotionalAbuseRecoveryNow.com
and start your journey to emotional wholeness, peace and self-love. You
can also visit her website at www.EmotionalAbuseRecoveryNow.com
for free resources, a full list of services, and current schedule of her
teleclasses, and speaking engagements