Ann Zaslow-Rethaber started her recruiting career in 1996, joining a local recruiting agency based out of Tempe, Arizona. In 1999 she ventured out on her own, starting International Search Consultants . ISC has positioned itself as one of the country’s most reputable search firms, working with companies both in the US as well as on an international basis. utilizes virtually every high tech tool available, to allow their team of tenured recruiters to identify the very best candidates for their Clients needs, and to bring those candidates to their Clients interview table.
ISC offers its clients recruiting services on a retained, as well as a contingency basis. With a team of 15, they can easily handle multiple searches, producing highly qualified candidates in a short amount of time for companies with high volume recruiting needs.
Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
International Search Consultants
Phone: 888-866-7276
If you use Linked In, please feel free to check out my profile, and send me an invitation to connect networks. I gladly accept all invites!
Success - To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better , whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded." ….. Bessie A Stanley
I am always happy to help someone who wishes to be alerted to potential opportunities that may be a good match for them. I suggest that you send me your resume in Word, to ANNR@ISCJOBS.COM and write a brief outline of the types of opportunities you would like to be alerted to.
You will be added to our confidential database , and if a recruiter see a potential match, she will contact you directly to go over the position in depth.
After you both decide you are indeed qualified for the position and you are interested in pursuing it, only at that point will we release your resume to the hiring company, with the goal of procuring an interview.
We are unable to speak with candidates about specific positions without a resume to refer to. All of our searches are conducted on a confidential manner, and information is released only on a 'need to know basis', releasing details re the position only to qualified candidates who have produced an updated resume.
Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
PresidentInternational Search Consultants
Phone: 888-866-7276
If you use Linked In, please feel free to check out my profile, and send me an invitation to connect networks. I gladly accept all invites!