Web-based Educational / Public Information Projects creator and webmaster from 1995 to 2002. Website houses hundreds of articles, many of which were self-authored. Articles target consumers, students and practitioners of TCM (Traditional Chinese or “Oriental” Medicine).
: webmaster and author, 1998 to present. Website features extensive articles on my practice specialties of IBS and headaches. There is also a fun prognosis tool and popular tongue diagnosis test available on-line.
: webmaster and author, 2002 to present. Website serves as a portal for traditional Chinese medicine resources worldwide. This site features a number of self-authored articles on a variety of topics of interest to patients and practitioners alike including a self-authored continuing education class on the DSHEA (Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994) for acupuncturists. : webmaster, 2002 to present. Website features articles describing the use of herbs that are injected into acupuncture points. Point Injection is a somewhat new yet widely practiced technique in China. : webmaster and author, 2009 to present. Website targets consumers and online sales of Chinese herbal medicines.
Clinical Experience