Akemi Gainesis an insightful Akashic Record Reading specialist and spiritual coach. Her Akashic Record Reading (comprehensive profile reading) is like a thorough checkup of your soul -- she examines over 70 points in one's Akashic Records. All the necessary clearing work is included and there is absolutely no hidden costs. She is as delighted to work with people who are new to explore their spirituality as she is to assist those who have already done some spiritual work.
From her website, Akashic Record Reading
The Akashic Recordsare the soul's records of all its experiences in all the lifetimes it's been through. Each soul has its Akashic Records, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. The Hall (or Library) of Akashic Records is where all souls' Akashic Records are stored. The Akashic Records are stored energetically, and those who are trained to read the Records can read them as you would read a book or transcript.
She also offers Spirit Guides Coaching program, which is a 6 week one-on-one course to develop your intuition, the ability to communicate with your own spirit guides.
The best way to learn more about her service and to contact her is through her website at www.akashicrecordreading.com
She also shares her insights at her blog Real Life Spirituality( http://reallifespirituality.com/ ).