The English text is at the bottom of the page.
Il testo italiano è in fondo alla pagina.
Ich bin am 22. September 1944 in Zürich geboren. Mein Vater war Inhaber einer Textildruckerei; meine Mutter war die Künstlerin Cornelia Forster. Nach der Primarschule in Zürich besuchte ich in Lugano vier Jahre die Sekundarschule und anschliessend das Technikum, wo ich das Zeichnerdiplom erwarb. Ich spreche Deutsch, Italienisch und Französisch und schreibe Italienisch und Deutsch. Durch mein Leben ziehen sich vier Konstanten: Kunst und Keramik - Pädagogisches und soziales Engagement.
Soziales Engagement:
Ich habe verschiedene Fachvorträge zur Prävention von Suchtverhalten, über soziale Randgruppen und die Wiedereingliederung von Drogenabhängigen organisiert. Ich war aktives Mitglied verschiedener sozialer Vereine. Wärend 15 Jahren war ich Präsident des Trägervereins des Instituts "San Nicolao" in Roveredo Capriasca, das körperlich und geistig Behinderte betreut. Das Institut ist von der Eidgenössischen Invalidenversicherung anerkannt, und in der kantonalen Planung. Sozialarbeiter und Jugendgerichte vertrauen mir Jugendliche an, die von Drogen loskommen wollen und ein halbes oder ein ganzes Jahr bei mir wohnen. Die ersten, anfangs noch sporadischen Erfahrungen habe ich 1981 gesammelt, seit 1991 betreue ich ununterbrochen drogensüchtige Menschen. Sie wohnen bei mir, ich unterrichte sie in Töpfern und Keramik. Es ist eine sehr schöne, bereichernde Erfahrung, mitzuerleben, wie ein junger Mensch inneren Frieden, Lebensfreude und Selbstsicherheit wiederfindet und neues Vertrauen in seine inneren Werte gewinnt.
Sono nato a Zurigo il 22 settembre del 1944. Mio padre era titolare di una serigrafia tessile; mia madre era l'artista Cornelia Forster. Ho frequentato le primarie a Zurigo, quattro anni di ginnasio e la scuola tecnica superiore a Lugano con diploma di disegnatore tecnico. Parlo tedesco italiano e francese. Nella mia vita ci sono delle costanti:
L'arte e la ceramica, e l'impegno pedagogico e sociale
Ho organizzato conferenze di studio sul tema della prevenzione dell'emarginazione e sulla riabilitazione dalle tossicomanie. Sono stato membro attivo di diverse associazioni di assistenza sociale. Per 15 anni sono stato presidente dell'associazione istituto San Nicolao per handicappati fisici e mentali. Istituto riconosciuto dall'assicurazione d'invalidità. Ho collaborato con assistenti sociali e tribunali minorili, ricevendo in affidamento giovani per la riabilitazione dalle tossicomanie (eroina). Per periodi brevi, di alcune settimane fino a periodi prolungati da 1/2 anno a un anno. Le prime esperienze le ho fatte nel 1981, dapprima saltuariamente ed in seguito, a partire dal 1991, senza interruzione. Tengo quest ragazzi con me 24 ore su 24 , insegnando loro il lavoro al tornio e la ceramica in generale. E' un esperienza molto bella e preziosa quando si vede come un giovane riscopre la propria pace interiore, la gioia, la stima di se stesso, quando sperimenta di nuovo il suo valore interiore.
Erkenne Deine grundlegende Gutheit. Ein Kurs auf 24 CD.
Riconosci la tua bontà fondamentale. Un corso composto di 24 CD.
Reconnais ta bonté fondamentale. Un cours sur 24 CD.
Since 1991, here at Sala Capriasca, in Tessin, Switzerland, we have a small living community intended for those who want to end their drug addiction or overcome a period of crisis.
We are located on the south-facing slopes of Sala Capriasca with a view of the valley and the lake.
Our day begins with Yoga, meditation and the chanting of mantras. In the afternoon we work around the pottery wheel in the ceramics workshop. In our friendly community, every person has his or her own personal space. The daily rhythm of the Yoga program and the creative work with clay enables you to calm your mind, feel differently, giving a broader and greater consciousness to freedom and life.
The foundations of my work with the people who have entrusted themselves to me are supported on simple and solid bases:
We live in an interesting time. We live in a fascinating period. We live in a dynamic time. Everything is constantly changing and never before have there been so many cultural and relational exchanges worldwide. The ideologies, the faiths, the concepts and the principles evolve, broaden, modify or disintegrate. The certainties of the past sometimes become obsolete, sometimes become useless.
But this world is rough and difficult. The consumer society is hard and competitive, superstition has become materialistic. Knowledge and values of internal life get lost and for many remain totally misunderstood. The human being's quest for fulfilment is overshadowed in the exterior world.
Today really, it is logical that so many people turn to drugs in order to have some peace of mind. But the boundary between material life and spiritual life is absurd. There is only one life. It is important that one's attention is not focused only on the external or internal world, but to have a balance between the internal and external world. A "Me" built only on the exterior, without the central experience of the "Self", does not live in a healthy way.
My task is to restore the dynamic balance between the external and internal world, so that the person can again develop him or herself autonomously. Activities should be part of daily life, but also tranquillity and the beauty. The messages of all the senses should be beneficial and beautiful. So that, when the mind starts, functioning clearly and quietly again, my task is to animate, to stimulate, to awaken sparks in order for the internal flame to be revived. Everyone should be able to live with his or her own initiative and develop his or her own energy. So, they have to learn to experiment the strength and the beauty of their inner consciousness, to find a central attitude which allows them to live completely.
"Awaken sparks", so that the internal fire may revive. This process takes diverse expressions: music, chanting, yoga, ceramics and other forms of artistic expression. What matters is that the internal life wakes up and that it gives a direction to existence. From Having to Being, that is the path.
The ideologies and the principles have no major importance here. For me, I am neither Buddhist, nor Hindu, nor Christian, nor Muslim, nor Jew. I belong to no religion, sect or political party. For me the diverse religions are the expression, in different cultural languages, of the same spirit of the human being. However, as I have a religious attitude towards life, I could say that I belong to all religions. Personally, I practice yoga as a spiritual discipline. Universality and tolerance are important to me. Fanaticism, ideology and intolerance on the other hand bring me difficulties. Each person should be able to live the divine nature of his or her consciousness, feel joy, love and peace in his or her heart. The cultural shape which he then gives to this experience is of secondary importance to me. Only the experience is the most important thing. Unfortunately the experience cannot be passed on. Each person must create his/her own experience. It is clear that words are useful only if the understanding is already there. I can only create the general conditions so that life can again develop in all the fields of existence.
The first contemplation is the easiest. Meditation lets us naturally experience a condition of deep peace. A person with problems always has a restless mind. Meditation provides us with a natural, medicine free, experience of calmness. Morning and evening meditation allows us to relax our restless mind at least twice a day. This natural tranquillity makes us gain distance from our problems, which shift to become duties. With a quiet mind, we have a higher capacity to cope with our emotions, being more and more able to face our duties. The quality of the experiencing our own life is influenced by and dependent on our identification mechanism. Our identification depends on our experiences. We tend to identify ourselves in relation to our experiences. Each experience has three aspects:
1. consciousness (witness, level of Being)
2. sensorial perception
3. object of perception.
The main aspect of a human being is his consciousness. If we have problems, we loose ourselves in totally exterior things, being bewildered by the complexity of our perceptions. Identifying ourselves with pure appearance, we loose the consciousness of being and end up living estranged from ourselves. The world is seen as hostile and life becomes a struggle. Daily meditation is not an intellectual exercise, yet the experience of calmness and silence of our proper consciousness. Thus, the identification mechanism is being normalised, the level of consciousness resurfaces again to the front. Meditation naturally induces us into a evolution from having to being. This gives us a completely new way to experiment ourselves, gradually increasing our self-confidence. The internal address has been located. We learn through the fact, that love and joy are being anchored in our proper internal space. Nobody can ever remove this internal address. Every time we find ourselves in difficulties, we have a method, a starting point to rebalance our life. Meditation can also simply be defined as mental hygiene. Daily meditation helps us to break free even from the most radicated dependences. Throughout the years, we will observe small but significant improvements in all aspects of our personality. These improvements allow us to live our life with more balance and pleasure. Until today, meditation is part of the religious practice of all cultures. Given that in present times, humanity is less interested in religion, one should recognize that meditation, independently from any kind of religion or ideology, is of great use to our mental hygiene and development of consciousness. A lot of books could be written about this issue, but the above shall be sufficient for the present introduction.
Daily program:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday :
We begin the day with Yoga, the chanting of mantras (approximately 20-30 minutes) meditation (approximately 10-20 minutes) and sometimes a common reading with discussion. (approximately one hour)
Then follow the domestic chores, shopping, preparation of the meals, etc.
In the afternoon we work around the pottery wheel in the ceramics workshop.
(2 to 4 hours approximately)
In the evening we usually watch a movie or play a game.
General cleaning of the house and the carrying out of particular domestic chores, purchases and preparation of meals, etc.
In the afternoon we work around the pottery wheel in the ceramics workshop.
(2 to 4 hours approximately)
In the evening guests are invited to join us for a Yoga session.
Indeed, there are often modifications to the daily program. For example: Going to the swimming pool, to a course, on an excursion, a visit etc.
Saturdays and Sunday are more spontaneous.We have already made week-end excursions to Venice, Florence, Pisa, Geneva, Piacenza and Milan and even some more distant journeys to places such as London, Barcelona, Sardinia, Graz and Vienna...
Working with the pottery wheel is the first thing taught in the ceramic workshop. After having acquired sufficient experience in this art, as in the expression of the form, teaching continues by starting with the decoration, the magic of the various forms of firing and in the aesthetic uses of enamels. This work requires commitment, concentration, resistance, will, coordination, creativity and a sense of aesthetics. Nothing is given away, but with personal commitment we obtain good results and great satisfaction. This work is good for everyone.
At the end of the course, I provide a work certificate.
Meditation The meditation which I teach and which I lead personally has good therapeutic results. It is important to note that I remain independent from any school of meditation or organization. Independence is fundamental in my work. The meditation sessions are shorter than usual sessions in order to prevent stress and tension from becoming too intense. He who goes slowly goes healthily and goes far!
Chanting For several years I have been using, as with the Yoga tradition, the morning chanting of a mantra. This practice has proved to be exceptional. Many feelings can pour out finally and the tensions can be liberated and undone. The mind becomes quieter and calmer. Almost all my guests have greatly enjoyed this morning chanting. We notice that a day that begins with chanting unfolds into a pleasant sense of well-being.
Our guests: There are one to three staying guests, but generally the house is also frequented by persons from the outside and, especially in the summer months, there is a lot of activity from people who come for friendship, Yoga or for the ceramics.
Who enters therapy?:
The people who come here for drug problems, (heroin, cocaine, alcohol) with generally already 8-12 years of drug addiction on their shoulders.
These people have problems, known or unknown, which prevented them from discarding the habit on their own. They come to me and ask for help to get out of the old repetitive drug addiction program. That is the use of mind-altering substances over many years to fill a loss, to cover, make up for a void
I don't care about their past. I do not investigate into the hidden causes. If the cause is visible, it's useful to examine it, but it is not essential with my method. I, on the other hand, pay a lot of attention to the fact that the individual gradually loses his/her erroneous identification and progressively feels his/her true nature.
Poetically expressed: We do not investigate into the origins of the darkness. We limit ourselves to opening up the windows in order to let the light in.
This emancipation program contains two fundamental elements:
1st: The chanting of mantras and meditation.2nd: A period of life (around 6-12 months) without mind-altering substances.
This period is very important in order to then face their new life with independence.
The therapy phases: The phases are generally identical for all therapies.
1st phase : Relaxation
In the first weeks I notice relaxation, the guest feels really comfortable and relaxed.
A drug addict often lives an extremely disturbing life.
Many humiliating compromises to get the daily fix, ending up in stealing, prostitution and drug trafficking.
Jobs are lost, homes are lost, the permanent confrontation with those around them, family, friends, the money troubles and finally the loss of their own self-esteem.
By coming to therapy in my house, this tension disappears. There is a reassurance and an initial well-being. It is a period of grace where my guests are open and receptive to what I can give them such as knowledge and education.
We begin to appreciate the morning chants, we discover their relaxing benefits. Nine out of ten people appreciate the relaxing effects of the chanting of mantras.
The meditation experience is above all a "non-experience ". The continuous and uninterrupted stream of thoughts, give way to mental peace, sometimes to the complete silence of the mind.
Initially meditation is a simple method of mental hygiene. But, in the long run, it makes us discover the space of our heart.
2nd phase: Purification.
The second phase normally begins after three months. Thanks to the morning chants and meditation, one feels great mental calm, and thanks to this calm, the guest can now start a clarification process. This is the optimal time for the manifestation of tensions, of inner knots coming to the surface and the appearance of hidden problems. The nervous system spontaneously begins to get rid of the useless and heavy baggage of stress which has accumulated for years. This period of purification is always more or less disagreeable for everyone but it is very important and fundamental for recovery. The intense phase of this clarification process lasts approximately three months, but it then continues more calmly throughout life. The inner knots come to the surface; the stress shows itself and is projected to the outside.The aggressions, sadness, anger, anguish and agitation come to the surface of the consciousness, and in this initial phase they are not generally recognized by the person for what they are. That is the weight of the tensions, the thaw of the fears with emotionally strong consequences. The person tries to find a motive for these disturbed and disturbing feelings. Generally, it is not difficult to find a motive, an argument which can lend itself to the need to explain the agitation of the consciousness. I am mostly the one chosen for these projections. The ideal screen for all the projections of the father, authority figure, the man, etc.
However, it is useful during this period to rely on my experience and to follow my indications.
Those who have observed the simple rules have managed to successfully end the drug addiction during the time spent in this house.Those who have made commitments have generally extended the time for recovery from their problems.
We can end suffering, but to do so, a certain rigour is needed and initially it is necessary to have confidence and let yourself be guided.
Daily fee: 230.- Switzerland Francs
Spending money: Fr 160.- Switzerland Francs per month
Possible additional costs:
Clothing and shoes, medication, train tickets.
Vincenzo Altepost
Via Santa Liberata
6954 Sala Capriasca
Ticino, Switzerland
La prima osservazione è la più semplice. La meditazione ci permette di sperimentare in maniera del tutto naturale, senza medicamenti, uno stato di profonda calma. Una persona che ha problemi ha sempre di sicuro anche una mente irrequieta. Se medita mattina e sera ha perlomeno due volte il giorno "vacanze" dalla sua mente agitata. Questa calma naturale gli permette di acquisire distanza di fronte ai suoi problemi. I problemi si mutano in compiti. Con una mente più calma si diventa più capaci di gestire le proprie emozioni e si diventa più abili nell'affrontare i propri compiti. Questa calma interiore è naturale e non ha gli effetti secondari che hanno gli psicofarmaci. La qualità dell'esperienza della propria vita è influenzata e dipendente dal nostro meccanismo d'identificazione. L'identificazione di una persona dipende dalle sue esperienze. Un uomo tende ad identificarsi in base alle sue esperienze. Ogni esperienza ha tre aspetti:
1° la consapevolezza
2° la percezione sensoriale.
3° l'oggetto della percezione.
L'aspetto essenziale di un essere umano è la sua consapevolezza. Una persona che ha problemi si perde purtroppo in cose del tutto esteriori, si smarrisce nel mondo delle sue percezioni. Identificato con esteriorità perde la sua consapevolezza d'essere. S'estrania da se stesso. Il mondo è percepito come ostile e la vita diventa una lotta. La meditazione quotidiana non è un esercizio intellettuale ma l'esperienza della calma e del silenzio della propria pura consapevolezza. Il meccanismo d'identificazione si normalizza, il livello della consapevolezza appare di nuovo in primo piano. La meditazione favorisce in maniera del tutto naturale uno sviluppo dall'avere all'essere. Questo dà una maniera completamente nuova di sperimentarsi, da cui nasce una crescente sicurezza di se. Il proprio indirizzo interiore è trovato. Si apprende attraverso l'esperienza che amore e gioia sono fondate nel proprio spazio interiore. Quest'indirizzo interiore non lo può togliere più nessuno. Ogni volta che finiamo in difficoltà abbiamo il metodo, il punto di partenza per riportare la nostra vita in equilibrio. Si può definire la meditazione anche come un semplice metodo d'igiene mentale. La meditazione ci aiuta, con il passare degli anni, a sciogliere le nostre dipendenze anche profondamente radicate. Con il passare degli anni possiamo costatare che facciamo piccoli ma significativi progressi in tutti gli aspetti della nostra personalità. Progressi che ci permettono di vivere la nostra vita con maggiore equilibrio e gioia. Fino ad oggi la meditazione faceva parte delle pratiche religiose di tutte le culture. Oggi che l'umanità s'interessa meno a religione, bisognerebbe però riconoscere che la meditazione, indipendente da ideologia e religione, ha una grand'utilità per l'igiene mentale ed il proprio sviluppo della consapevolezza.
Vincenzo Altepost
La première constatation est simple. La méditation nous permet d'expérimenter de manière entièrement naturelle, sans aucun médicament, un état de calme profond. Une personne qui a des problèmes a toujours un mental agité. S'il médite matin et soir il est tout au moins deux fois par jour en "vacances" de son mental agité. Ce calme naturel lui permet d'acquérir une distance face à ses problèmes. Les problèmes se changent en tâches à accomplir. Avec un mental calme on devient capable de gérer ses émotions et on devient plus habile pour affronter ses objectifs. Ce calme intérieur est naturel et n'a pas les effets secondaires des médicaments. La qualité du ressenti de notre vie est influencée par notre identité. L'identité d'une personne dépend principalement de son vécu. Un homme tend à s'identifier sur la base de ses expériences de vie. Chaque expérience de vie à trois aspects :
1° la conscience.
2° la perception sensorielle.
3° l'objet de la perception.
L’essentiel d'un être humain est sa conscience. Une personne qui a des problèmes se perd malheureusement en choses entièrement extérieures à son Être, il s'égare dans le monde de ses perceptions. Identifié par l’extériorité, il perd sa conscience d'Être. Il perd son «Soi». Le monde est perçu comme hostile et la vie devient une bataille. La méditation quotidienne n'est pas un exercice intellectuel mais l'expérience du calme et du silence de sa pure conscience. Le mécanisme d'identification se normalise, le niveau de la conscience apparaît de nouveau au premier plan. La méditation favorise de manière entièrement naturelle l’évolution de l'Avoir à l'Être. Ce développement détermine une manière complètement nouvelle de se percevoir et une sûreté de soi grandissant. La direction intérieure est trouvée. On apprend par l'expérience que l'amour et la joie s’enracinent dans l’espace intérieur. Plus personne ne peut enlever cette direction intérieure. Ainsi, chaque fois que nous sommes en difficulté nous avons une méthode, un point de départ, pour ramener notre vie à l’équilibre. On peut aussi définir la méditation comme une méthode d’hygiène mentale. La méditation nous aide, avec le temps, à nous libérer de nos dépendances même profondément ancrées. Avec le temps nous pouvons constater que nous faisons de petits mais significatifs progrès dans tous les aspects de notre personnalité. Ces progrès qui nous permettent de vivre notre vie avec équilibre et joie. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui la méditation faisait partie des pratiques religieuses de toutes les cultures. Aujourd'hui l'humanité s'intéresse moins à la religion, mais il faut reconnaître que la méditation, indépendant de l'idéologie et de la religion, est d’une grande utilité pour l’hygiène mentale et le développement de la conscience.
Vincenzo Altepost
WARUM MEDITATION IN DER SUCHTHILFE NÜTZLICH IST. Die erste Betrachtung ist die Einfachste. Meditation lässt uns ganz natürlich einen Zustand tiefer Ruhe erfahren. Ein Mensch der Probleme hat, hat sicher auch immer einen unruhigen Geist. Die Meditation gibt ihm die natürliche medikamentenfreie Erfahrung tiefer Ruhe. Wenn er morgens und abends meditiert, hat er wenigstens zweimal täglich "Ferien" von seinem unruhigen Geist. Diese natürliche Ruhe ermöglicht es ihm, Distanz gegenüber seinen Problemen zu gewinnen. Die Probleme wandeln sich in Aufgaben. Mit einem ruhigeren Geist ist man fähiger mit den eigenen Emotionen umzugehen und man wird fähiger, seine Aufgaben in Angriff zu nehmen. Die Qualität der Erfahrung des eigenen Lebens ist ganz stark beeinflusst und abhängig vom jeweiligen Identifikationsmechanismus, den ein Mensch hat. Die Identifikation eines Menschen hängt von seinen Erfahrungen ab. Ein Mensch tendiert, sich nach seinen Erfahrungen zu identifizieren. Jede Erfahrung hat drei Aspekte: Das Bewusstsein (auch Zeuge oder Sein genannt), die Sinneswahrnehmung sowie das Objekt der Wahrnehmung. Der wesentlichste Aspekt eines Menschen ist sein Bewusstsein. Ein Mensch, der Probleme hat verliert sich aber leider in rein äusserlichen Dingen, er verliert sich in der Welt seiner Wahrnehmungen. Identifiziert in Aeusserlichkeiten, verliert er sein Selbstbewusstsein. Er entfremdet sich seiner selbst. Die Welt wird als feindlich empfunden und das Leben wird für den Betroffenen zum Kampf. Die tägliche Meditation ist nicht eine intellektuelle Übung, sondern die Erfahrung der Ruhe und Stille des eigenen reinen Bewusstseins. Der Identifikationsmechanismus normalisiert sich, die Ebene des Bewusstseins kommt wieder in den Vordergrund. Die Meditation fördert auf ganz natürliche Weise eine Entwicklung vom Haben zum Sein. Dies gibt eine ganz neue Erfahrung, sich selber zu erleben, daraus erfolgt eine wachsende Selbstsicherheit. Die eigene Adresse ist gefunden. Man lernt durch Erfahrung, dass Liebe und Glück im eigenen inneren Raum begründet sind. Diese innere Adresse kann einem niemand mehr nehmen. Wann immer wir in Schwierigkeiten geraten, haben wir die Methode, den Ausgangspunkt, unser Leben wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Die Meditation kann man auch als eine einfache Methode mentaler Hygiene betrachten. Die tägliche Meditation hilft uns über die Jahre unsere tiefverwurzelten Abhängigkeiten aufzulösen. Mit den Jahren können wir feststellen, dass wir auf allen Bereichen unserer Persönlichkeit kleine aber wesentliche Fortschritte machen, die es uns ermöglichen unser Leben mit grösserer Ausgeglichenheit und Freude zu erfahren. Bis heute gehörte die Meditation zu den religiösen Praktiken aller Kulturen. Heute, wo die Menschheit weniger an Religion interessiert ist, sollte man aber erkennen, dass die Praxis der Meditation unabhängig von jeglicher ideologisch - religiöser Richtung eine grosse Nützlichkeit hat für die mentale Hygiene und die eigene Bewusstseinsentwicklung. Über dieses Thema kann man Bücher schreiben, als kurze Zusammenfassung kann das genügen.
Vincenzo Altepost
Vincenzo Altepost
Via Santa Liberata
6954 Sala Capriasca
Ticino Switzerland
Tel. 004191 943 49 74