Helping you REDEFINE THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE, to get free from personal crisis and step into a life that's energised, purpposeful and extraordinarily fulfilling.
Pad has a vast wealth of experience coaching company directors, business executives, musicians and artists since 1991.
A speaker, Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP, Pad has conducted workshops, speaking engagements and coaching sessions around the UK, in Germany, Greece and the Far East.
His unique approach to performance improvement involves, firstly, a series of questions and profiling tools - which highlight the specific areas that need to be addressed and the underlying beliefs that drive current behaviours - and secondly, specific interventions, exercises and activities that demolish hinderances and unleash the individual's potential.
He has appeared on ITV, BBC World Service, and Radio5 Live and has been quoted in The Guardian, The Independent and The Telegraph.
Pad himself has a coach - as you'd expect. :-)
"Don't ask if you will change the world - Ask how many worlds you will change."
"You cannot heal an emotion - only change a perception."
Contact me via if you there's an issue you simply must deal with in your life. I specialise in getting people 'out of stuck'. Sometimes that's something painful that has you trapped; sometimes it's a dream that you've never seen fulfilled (and that's painful too).
There are several ways in whcih I help people...
My CRISIS RESOLUTION PROGRAM involves 8 Online Videos as well as weekly Skype calls to leads you through a proven 7 Step process to end your midlife crisis for good. This course will:
"You will never 'do life' the same way again."
Sign-up for the FREE introductory course at:
For Personal Coaching enquiries please go to