My sincere thanks to
My approach is to offer simple and proven methods tailored to absolute beginners looking for an easy first step towards self improvement. My methods enable them to make a faltering beginning like a baby learning to walk, not feeling bad about falling often, and keep advancing at their own pace. They enjoy the micro advancement and never give up.
I request all the experts interested in networking with me to kindly see the contents of my recent web site and comment on it's relevance to their own work.
I hope to be of some use to people around the World before my life comes to an end. I am now 68.
My work is tiny but has opened a new window for people stuck in a corner for decades, leading to major life changes. I would like to add experts to my network who sync with my approach.
Thank you for visiting my page and Good Luck to you!
Suryanarayana (Call me simply 'CS')
I offer semianrs and classes for training adults and children in easy and doable techniques for relaxation, stress management and meditation. I can offer on-line coaching by e-mail. These pages show the potential of these techniques.
* Collecting an ocean of words, thoughts or concepts should result in a ‘ Trickle of Actions’ at the least. Else what a colossal waste of precious time and energy! - Suryanarayana
* The ‘Never-Fail Philosophy’ for Self-Growth:Remembering some times about my chosen path or method, makes me feel that a tiny spark of hope is alive in me. I am happy about this spark. I feed it by casually walking on my path, generating a small flame. I am surprised at my dormant power. I see that this small flame gradually burns away the imaginary barriers that encircled me all these days. Practicing my chosen method(s) sporadically, I see my morale growing higher. I keep on patting myself on my back. I draw inspiration from the baby, who while learning to walk, falls often but gets up quickly and takes a few more determined steps. She is never concerned about falling, but thrilled to get up immediatrely and try again. I often recollect the tiny improvements I have made so far in my Mind and Body, and try again, again, again .…..pretending to be the baby I was! I do not feel stuck to that old path any more. I often walk on this new path. I see it getting clearer and more comforing to walk up on. I will keep going at some pace, resting on the way. Nothing can stop me! -Suryanarayana
* The first step takenis the most important. It shows the intention and sets the direction. - Suryanarayana
Please see the contents of my web site . You will find an amazingly easy starting point for immediate application and the subsequest steps to progress on the comforting path at your own pace. You do not have to spend time or money. Trying is believing! Send me e-mail if you have questions or face any difficulties. Good Luck!
You can send me snail mail at -
2500 Pond View Ste 202, Castleton On Hudson NY 12033, Ph# 518-391-2889
You can e-mail me at