Seth Garrison is a certified Overlight facilitator. Overlight is a spiritual psychology that recognizes that we are the creators of our reality and therefore can create health, abundance, joy or whatever we desire. Seth has certifications in spiritual communication along with the psychology aspect of Overlight.
Overlight is the process of attaining mastery of our life lesson for this lifetime. There are 12 primary life lessons that we as spiritual beings have been working to master in the thousands of human lifetimes our souls have lived here on earth. An Overlight faciliator merely creates the space for each of us to examine those "dark" life events and to help change our perspective from the notion of them being a negative event to a positive necessary event toward mastery of our present life lesson.
Seth knows that humanity is evolving into the next step of our human story where we awaken to the truth of who we are. He is being a lighthouse for others that will experience these realizations and to help empower them to join on the ladder of ascension.
Seth is a platinum author on ezine articles and has published on many popular internet sites. His soon to be published book called The New Human - The New Earth gives us a blueprint of how we, as true spiritual beings, will react and interact as we create a new paradigm of human existence. His passion is to ease others into the transition from our present duality consciousness into the Christ consciousness of the next step in our evolution. For more information visit Seth at Next New Age
"I truly believe the concept that we are not just human beings wrestling with the idea of spirituality but, in fact, we are spiritual beings coping with the process of a human awakening."
Become the change you wish to see in the world ... Ghandi
"I am God the Creator who said enough, now walk before me and become perfect" (Genesis 17:1) ... We are in the process of becoming perfect and that process in over now.
Heal another and you may change their life
Help another to heal themselves and you will change the Universe ...
A channel from the Group by Steve Rother of
Visiting The Source For Seth is a good start to utilizing his information about humanity's ascension. His perspective on the Great Shift , that has been prophesized by many aboriginal cultures, gives us a clear idea of what to expect in the near future.
Arranging a personal Overlight reading can be a first step into self-healing and a catalyst for change in your life. The step into remembering the masters that we truly are.
All questions are welcome and will be answered freely. Answered with the knowledge that ascension is only possible if we all in it together.
Seth may be contacted by email
Seth Garrison
Granby, Quebec
Websites: The Source Is Here
The Source For Seth