Robert is a holistic practitioner and workshop facilitator
Bachelor of Acupuncture, Dip. Herbal Medicine, Educational /BodyTalk Kinesiologist, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Workshop Facilitator, Meditation teacher.Member. Australian Acupuncture Chinese Medicine Association.
Member. National Herbal Association Australia.
An Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Educational Kinesiologist with over 28years experience, covering such areas as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Medical Herbalism, Kinesiology, Emotional Freedom Techniques and Accelerated Learning.
For over 30 years he has studied many aspects of the mind and body through the philosophies of Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Western Psychology.
Robert has taught seminars in the UK and Australia on Accelerated Learning, Creativity, Prosperity, Healing, Tai Chi Chuan and Self Development. He has been a Lecturer in the Acupuncture Faculty of the Australian College of Natural Medicine.
For 5 years Robert and his wife, Shauna lived in Scotland as members of the famous Findhorn Foundation (a charitable Educational & Spiritual Trust). He was the Foundation's only recognised Natural Medicine Practitioner and was also a group facilitator within the Educational Staff Faculty.
Robert has also been a professional artist, with paintings in private collections (UK, NZ, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia)