Phillip W. Warren has been interested in "do it yourself" approaches in psychology and health since the early 1950's. In 1989 he discovered the Specialized or Energy Kinesiologies, especially those that involve Emotional Freedom Processes (EFPs) arising from Roger Callahan's Thought Field Therapy. He is currently researching/developing the Radiant Energies Balance (REB), an elegant balance of the autonomic nervous system using the approach of Donna Eden’s radiant circuits. The Radiant Energies Balance (REB) Protocol is a unique and powerful blend of the most powerful somatic/body centered and energy/information psychotherapeutic methods in a compact and integrated package. It is truly a comprehensive, flexible therapeutic and transformative full spectrum integral protocol. For detailed information on this and many other topics visit the Website for Delta Life Skills and Radiant Energies Balance (REB)
In 1997 he retired from 25 years of full time teaching in the departments of psychology and music at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and was awarded "Professor Emeritus" in 2000 May. While at Kwantlen he developed the Performance Enhancement Program for Musicians as well as programs for Curing Self-Sabotage and Using Sound, Rhythm and Music for Life Enhancement .
He obtained his graduate degree in psychology (social and developmental) and sociology from the University of Minnesota. While there he was a Research Associate at the Veterans’ Administration Outpatient Clinic in St. Paul and the University of Minnesota’s Lab for Research in Social Relations.
He was an Associate Professor of psychology and education at the Universities of Saint Cloud State and Saint John's in Minnesota, and then Director of Evaluative Research and Special Project Development for the Life Skills Division of Saskatchewan (Canada) NewStart.
He is an Associate Practitioner of Operant Effectual Counseling (A.P.O.E.C.) and a certified instructor/practitioner of over ten different Specialized/Energy Kinesiologies and Emotional Freedom Processes (One Brain, Educational Kinesiology, Touch For Health, Bio-Kinesiology, Wellness Kinesiology, Healing from the Body Level Up, Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Be Set Free Fast, Tapus Acupuncture Technique, Positive Energy Therapy, etc.). He is past president of the Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology (CanASK).
He has conducted many workshops in the field of energy/specialized kinesiologies for university personnel, school counselors, life skills coaches, and the general public. In 1999 he co-conducted a week long conference on "Healing With Sound and Music" at Hollyhock Retreat Center on Cortes Island, BC, Canada were he combined his interests in Energy/Specialized Kinesiology with his life long love of music. He has presented the Radiant Energies Balance (REB) protocol at a number of conferences and conventions since 2001.
It's time to awaken from single vision and CSICOP's* sleep (apologies to William Blake) and bring the Weltansicht of mainstream psychology, biology and medicine into the 20th if not the 21st century! *CSICOP = Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims Of the Paranormal which see themselves as the defenders of the faith. Robert Anton Wilson (1986/1991, The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalism and the Citadel of Science. ) says the acronym should stand for Committee for Slander, Invective, and Calumny against Open-minded People. Indeed, they function as the religion of Scientism's version of the Catholic Church's "Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith" whose function is to silence dissenters and keep and us all "with pure thoughts."
Free articles on the Radiant Energies Balance (REB) Protocol and other energy/information psychology methods with ancillary papers from the frontier sciences relevant to energy/information psychology. Lots of information on chemical and electromagnetic pollution (research and solutions to the problem). My complete bio is also available there.
Phillip W. Warren
4459 52A St, Delta, BC Canada V4K 2Y3
Phone and voice mail: (604) 946-4919
US mailing address: PO Box 1595, Point Roberts, WA 98281