Dr Bate invented and patented a new substitute for Neurofeedback (aka EEG and HEG biofeedback). Using a new subliminal messaging technique, it changes the amplitude of brain waves. The advantage is that this can be done simply utilizing sleep therapy with a repeating CD or other audio source. No clinic visits, and the cost is a small fraction of Neurofeedback. And, this therapy is at least as successful as the much more expensive clinical, or even home training using EEG BF. It works for the ADD to Autism continuum, the depression continuum, epilepsy, insomnia as proven in a total of six volunteer tests over the past 4 years. It even loses weight safely and permanently.
Dr Bate was one of the very few psychologists who became interested in this new and exciting orthomolecular therapy in the late 70's. He first became interested because he was working with a schizophrenic girl (pro bono), and thought "it couldn't do any harm". He tried the megavitamin regimen from Abram Hoffer, and much to his surprise, it worked.
He had also become interested in nutritional therapies, and was the first to document the relationship between hypoglycemic episodes and adult onset phobias in the AABT Journal in 1980.
In this time period, he worked in the Klotz and Moeller Allergy Clinic assisting in introducing the End-Point-Titration Allergy system into Florida. This is the best allergy search and treat system, albeit very expensive in "doctor time".
During this period, he met Abram Hoffer, Carl Pfeiffer, and Marshall Mandell, among many others, all of whom became friends and mentors. He also had phone mentoring from Linus Pauling.
Over the next several years, Dr Bate solved the problems of over 20 schizophrenics, dozens of depressives, and the usual run of psychology practice patients. He once saved a marriage that was falling apart because of hypoglycemic episodes on the part of the husband. Rages and sudden anger on the part of males often has to do with sugar handling problems. What other PhD psychologist knows that? There is no separation of mind and body.
He invented a Relaxation Technique derived from a hypnotic induction, but designed to be used with a simple psychological trigger by the subject often enough to become a self generated "conditioned reflex".
Dr Bate also discovered that giving B12 to women with hypertension (high blood pressure) virtually always lowered the blood pressure into "normal" limits within a half hour if by injection or an hour if used sublingually.
In 1985, he married an insulin dependent 40 year old diabetic with severe neuropathy. He invented a simple vitamin mineral regimen that reversed that serious crippling problem, and some 25 years later, on her death of malpractice, she has less neuropathy than she had when they met. In addition, it was found that the lack of Anti-growth hormone (manufactured in the ovaries) is a major factor in diabetes, for her and many other women. Look at families with very tall children, and find correlation for this.
Dr Bate has written several books on many subjects, and published many articles on various subjects. For a free copy of his book "The Health Revolution", go to his main webpage http://drbate.com , and signup for his weekly newsletter.
Low end of genius IQ (148) gave me ability to learn on my own, and to connect facts to form theories that have valuable. I was the first (2000) to posit the theory that by increasing the SMR brain wave (12-15 Hz), somehow this changed the affect on the brain of allergens. There is lots of anecdotal evidence that is true, but so-called "scientific" is not really available.
I am considered by some to be a quasi-pioneer in the Orthomolecular therapy field as my mentors and friends included Abram Hoffer, Carl Pfeiffer, Marshall Mandell and many others. I contributed to the Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, later to be the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.
I was the first to publish on the link between adult onset phobias and hypoglycemia in 1981. I discovered that B12 lowers virtually all high blood pressure to "normal" limits in women (not men). I found that high vitamin E decreases diabetic side effects of neuropathy, and slows this dramatically. I theorized that the lack of anti-growth hormone (produced in the ovaries) is at least one cause of diabetes, and found good anecdotal evidence of this. (Check out the mothers of basketball players)
I have published several "old wives" remedies that have been overlooked, such as use of cherries to solve and prevent gout, Lysine to prevent Herpes outbreaks etc.
I invented the Neuroliminal Training therapy, a new usage for subliminal messaging that dramatically lowers the brain wave training cost of EEG biofeedback and/or the HEG biofeedback increase of brain blood flow. I have a patent pending on this usage.
I have a book "The Health Revolution", that may be obtained free at http://drbate.com . On the same website are over 70 webpages with free information on health problems ranging from ADD/ADHD to Vitamins and minerals. There are also over 30 recently written articles available free on various subjects. A new blog is being re-done in format over the next few weeks. It is http://drbate.com/ABLOG .
Go to http://drbate.com . Click on the button "Dr Bate" for my interesting resume. Then click on the top right "Alternate Health" red button, and browse that navigation for pages devoted to free information. Then, go back to the index page, and check out that Navigation table, and also the "symptom search" program. Sign up for a free copy of my "The Health Revolution" and sporadic newsletter.