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Book : Personal Excellence 2 ,edited by Ken Shelton
audio: Personal Excellence 2, edited by Ken Shelton
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My favorite # 1 quote is
" Never die of someone else's misery " Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld
When I was in my 49th year I decided to read a book every week until my next birthday. I got to my 52cnd book with 2 weeks to go and I was headed to Alaska for those 2 weeks and I wondered should I read more or quit at 52. What books would I take with me? I took a book that had sat on my shelf for several months. I dont rememebr the author but it was titled " Write it down , Make it Happen" . It was a simple straight forward book and full of the most powerful thoughts I had never considered ! I have captured this phrase and made it my own and belive in it's power - "Write it down, Make it Happen." Whatever you want to accomplish in your life, big or small ... write it down . Your ideas mean nothing unless you write them down and take action.
There is only one obstacle barring your progress: your own reluctance.
My favorite book of all time is a little paperback written in the 80's by Grant Harrison as a missionary training tool for our church called " Drawing on the Powers of Heaven" . I love it !
And my friend Eileen McDargh has this great new book titled " Gifts from the Mountain - simple truths about life's complexities" THe watercolor illustrations are incredible and her simple messages garnered from mountain climbing are refreshing and applicable. Go to her website at for more info and to buy the book
My personal website is It is still under construction but it will have access to tools and articles, "love bottles" . corporate retreat information for "overcoming adversity" training, e-books and audio. Access to Leadership Excellence products and resources that can be found at
you can email for a complimentary copy of Personal Excellence magazine.
Nancy Low
Editorial PR and Media Director
Executive Excellence Publishing
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