Mr Twenty Twenty gives away 221 Neville Goddard lectures free on his website at . He and his wife also have written over 500 articles on the Law Of Attaction and how it has changed their lives and the lives of their friends and readers.
Feel free to email him at or visit him at the Free Neville Goddard site using the link above.
Mr Twenty Twenty is an author and trainer who legally changed his name to Mr. Twenty Twenty when he was 41 years old to the number of perfect vision. His Native American ancestors and life experience taught him of the transformative power of VISION available to each and everyone of us. Everyone has a vision that they were born to live, and his mission is to help you find yours and to give you the tools you need to live that vision fully.
"Imagine lovingly for all that you meet. If they accept it, you both are blessed. If they don't, you are still blessed and there is more goodness in the world."
The best way to start learning about the work of Mr Twenty Twenty is to visit him at or send him a direct email at - He replies to every email, usually within 48 hours. You can also find his videos on youtube - just search "Neville Goddard Coffee Club".