Michael Perlin is the the Director, writer and producer of the Metaphysical film, "3 Magic Words" He received his B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. Graduated from The Academy of Entertainment Technology at Santa Monica College. Has worked in video editing, graphic design and motion graphics for many post production houses. He has worked as a sound engineer and visual quality technician for many major motion pictures. He also edits documentaries, trailers and films.
Michael Perlin’s spiritual interests started when he was involved with metaphysical studies in 1992. As he began his search for a common spiritual theme he came across a book called “Three Magic Words: The Key To Power, Peace, and Plenty” by Uell Stanley Andersen (1972)copyright 1954. This became his inspiration to create the movie. He moved to Hollywood from Dallas in 1997 and began working in post-production. Michael Perlin is dedicated to metaphysical filmmaking for the uplifting of the human spirit. With his production Company, Starseed films, he plans to create more thought-provoking, conscious entertainment that will help awaken humanity to the reality that we are all one and that this oneness is connected to the divinity in all things. Perlin explains it simply to the Judaic-Christian religous groups that this "oneness with God" or divine unity refers to pure consciousness and not personal ego.
"One day in the future we will all know that we are one with God and killing will be as ludicrous as self-mutilation"
"You don't have to believe that you are one with God until everybody else does"
"If you are still attached to your religion, the color of your skin, or the country you were born in, then you still don't know who you are"
"The day everyone accepts the responsiblity of being one with God is the day we make our world more peaceful, loving and spiritual."
You can view Michael Perlin's movie about the new revolution in consciousness at www.3magicwordsmovie.com
You can also check out the script format chart and the spiritual script chart and many other tools for screenwriters and filmmakers at www.scriptwriters.biz
Michael Perlin has a book soon to be released on consciousness and God.Michael Perlin wrote the Declaration Of Consciousness www.declarationofconsciousness.org