I'm Marta Hatter, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, EMDR Certified Therapist in private practice in Irvine, CA. My goal is to share in the counseling success of my clients by providing quality professional services to equip them for challenging life events, encouraging healing & personal growth.
During Peak Performance Therapy we will remove blocks to achievement, build mental strengths and resources. Self-defeating behaviors, attitudes and beliefs can be modified and replaced with high-functioning behaviors, perspectives and beliefs. You can remove blocks caused by past failure. The first step in performance enhancement therapy is to define your goals, and any limit or ceiling you are encountering. Identify stress, blocks, fears. What are your strengths? Where do you want to be, when? What factors are slowing you in reaching your goals, or what could speed your success? For Athletes, Business Leaders, and more..
Peak Performance Therapy has impacted personal stories of great athletes, performers, business people and leaders, you hear about individuals returning from defeat. Even the strongest among us have undergone some challenges. Recoveries from injury or traumatic experience may cause performance blocks, begin Peak Performance Therapy now.
Peak performance, or "performance enhancement" takes EMDR's power and removes negative beliefs, enabling new programming in the mind, strengthening the physiological sensations and visualization of the desired performance.It can be difficult to imagine a positive future when negativity has dominated one's thinking, emotions and behaviors. The goal of this therapy is that the devastating effects of negative feelings, thoughts and behaviors will be transformed into positive programming and more vibrant health and well-being.
Note that research results don't yet support all the ways that individual therapists use EMDR in their practice. Please ask your therapist to tell you about their training and successes with clients. Read more about the current research and the efficacy of EMDR (emdria.org). Peak Performance can enhance and "install" positive programming for future tasks, challenges and performances. It can increase creativity, enthusiasm, self-confidence, and quality of work performance. You will move beyond your current best to higher levels. And you will find that these techniques “pre-program” your brain, allowing you to focus exclusively on the task or performance itself.
What would you ideally like to see yourself successfully creating, achieving, accomplishing at this point in your life right now?
Follow blog on facebook; Revelation Counseling
“It would be a pity if we overlooked the possibilities of education as a means of acquiring wisdom …and if we lost our respect for learning.” T.S. Eliot
Hope has two beautiful daughters Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are. St. Augustine
“The great thing in this world is not so much where we are but in which direction we are moving.” Oliver Wendell Holmes
“Forming a community with family and friends, building a body of love, shaping a new people of the resurrection: all of this is not just so that we can live a life protected from the dark forces that dominate our world; it is, rather, to enable us to proclaim together to all people, young and old, white and black, poor and rich, that death does not have the last word, that hope is real and God is alive.” Henri J. Nouwen
“The children who sleep in the streets, reduced to begging to make a living, are testimony to an unfinished job.” Nelson Mandela
“As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm. Jump. It is not as wide as you think.
Native American initiation rite
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” Jesus
Licensed Clinical
Social Worker, LCSW #17540
EMDR Certified Therapist
follow blog on facebook; Revelation Counseling