Marilyn Gordon assists people to create extraordinary transformation in their lives. She is a board certified hypnotherapist, teacher, speaker, healer, school director and author with over thirty years of experience and a diverse and expansive background in teaching and healing. She is the award-winning founder and director of the Center for Hypnotherapy Certification in Oakland, California, has been recognized in 14 Who’s Who s, appears on radio and television, and gives numerous workshops.
She is the author of The Wise Mind: The Brilliant Key to Life Transformation and Healing, and Extraordinary Healing: Transforming Your Consciousness, Your Energy System and Your Life , as well as other books, manuals, CDs and DVDs.
She works in the area of profound mental-emotional-spiritual transformation. She does her best to bring compassion, inspiration, and love to all she does. Her purpose is to work with love and wisdom to amplify the good and talents in others and to assist them in transforming their consciousness and empowering their lives.
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From Marilyn Gordon:
“The Wise Mind, also called the superconscious state, is a natural part of the self, as natural as love, and when we come into contact with it, we are given a tool that shifts the very core of our life. It’s the crown jewel of states of consciousness, and it is the remedy for all the issues and difficulties of life.”
“You are transformed by the power of transformation itself, the Great Spirit within you. You are whole, complete, powerful, perfect at the very essence of your being, and you can go deeply within on a regular basis to touch in to this great power, which can help you to overcome all of the challenges of life. You are, in fact, the power of transformation itself. You are that power.”
“Everything is made of the stuff of higher consciousness, and if you can see this with your own eyes, you can lead an uplifted life. An uplifted point of view means that you see beneath the ordinary difficulties of things, and you’re able to make contact with the divine Wise Mind.”
To find out more about me, please visit my web sites: and I teach workshops and courses, give teleseminars, have created books and manuals (the latest of which is The Wise Mind: The Brilliant Key to Life Transformation and Healing), as well as CDs and DVDs. I have many free articles for you to read on my site. We also have a twice-monthly free ezine, "The Transformation News" for you to read. Please sign up for it on either site. Were' currently holding a virtual book celebration on, and we'd love to have you visit. Feel free to contact me at
Marilyn Gordon, BCH, CI
PO Box 10795
Oakland CA 94606