Marilyn empowers you with the best and the latest breakthrough techniques for weight loss and goal achievement. She is a catalyst for transformation, with many years of successful experience. Marilyn’s intuitive understanding gives her the unique ability to zero in and identify core issues that once resolved, lead to rapid breakthrough results. She helps you achieve your ideal body in the fastest most effective manner possible. S he understands you want immediate solutions and long term success.
As a Registered Nurse she saw the emotional and physical toll created by excess weight, diabetes and all of the associated disease states.
Marilyn personally understands the desperation, health devastation , heartbreak and feelings of helplessness that can go along with being trying to lose weight and keep it off. She experienced her parents and grandmother’s body destroyed by obesity and diabetes.
.Having been challenged by weight since childhood she lost & regained more pounds than she could even count.
She tried every diet, pill, and fad as many of us have.
This created a burning desire to find the solution amid all the noise and empty promises of the diet industry. DIETS DON’T WORK!
Her passion to find the ultimate answer to healthy weight loss without the continuous mental battle was finally successful.After many years of research she has created a program using proven methods of mind/body connection that work from the inside out using the power of your mind.
DIETS DON’T WORK. . Being overweight is a symptom that is caused by your emotional and mental programming. This is why diets don’t work.Marilyn will teach you techniques that give you control over yourself. This will make the difference between a life of physical pleasure or emotional pain! To become thin you need to know how to think act and respond like a thin person.
She willguide you to install a new self-image that integrates beliefs into behavior that lead to your new body at your ideal weight.
Marilyn understands that you want immediate solutions. By using her techniques you will lose weight immediately and moving towards your goals. With an integrative and holistic approach she will work with you to ensure you are consistently moving forward andenjoy the process. If you are ready to say goodbye to the cravings, poor food choices, frustration and mental anguish that are holding you back from losing weight then call Marilyn NOW at 561 318 0708. She will train you using techniques that work along with some personal hand holding. And it only takes minutes daily.These breakthrough techniques ultimately help you achieve your goals in many areas of your life. Marilyn coaches both 1on 1 or in groups, either in person, on the phone/skype or on the internet. To learn more and get your FREE consultation go to her website now or call her at 561 318 0708
Marilyn is deeply committed and will be with you every step of the way. She will give you the tools and support needed to achieve your ideal healthy body in the most effective manner possible. She is the ultimate resource to assist you in reaching inside and bringing forth your very best.
Call for a FREE consultation! After all today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it happy, and healthy. Don’t lose another moment.
Ask yourself this question right before you fall asleep at night. What do yu need to Let Go of? Think about the past year what has worked and what has held you back. When you have the answer to what can make the coming days, weeks and months the best of your life GO FOR IT! Follow your heart. Hear your inner voice. With Love, Marilyn Ocean