New York City born, raised and educated through college. I've always been a wordsponge and an education lover [PhD, JD] and I now use those words and education to coach and dispense advice and information in different formats! And do this from a home that floats on a river.
I work under my umbrella business - Gray Wolf Productions; formed in 2004. We offer ebooks, audio and video files, seminars, training, and coaching on topics such as child development, parenting, healthy aging, and more.
The most recent e-book, You Can Totlaly Screw Up As a Mom and Still Rasie Great Kids, is a personal, professional and humorous take on parenting by me - the anti-expert "expert" in the field of child psychology. It is now available for Kindle and will be in other "virtual bookstores" soon. Updates about this book will be here and on my parenting site at:
All books and products are listed on the main site of
To peace in the world, so that children may have childhoods. [Dorman, 1976]