Lorelei Fenton holds a Master's Degree in Education and nearly 20 years in cutting edge leadership and personal development training programs. Her expertise ranges from all manner of mind-shifting, life-altering teachings including The Law of Attraction, Eckhart Tolle, Landmark Education, and more. Lorelei’s biggest claim to fame is that she has developed a process to uproot people’s core emotional triggers and false beliefs, and it is done in record time. Lorelei's process began to evolve when she learned & used a myriad of tools to uproot her own Core Emotional Triggers and False Beliefs created at a young age as a result of various childhood traumas. Lorelei then created her streamlined process and tools to assist others. Lorelei has presented for a wide array of audiences, and coached a myriad of people, altering perspectives and removing hidden blocks which resulted in brand new openings and successes in life. Lorelei has also participated in intensive business training through CEO SPACE - the business spawning ground claimed to have inspired Jack Canfield to develop his "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series, and also to have inspired the developers of the movie/book"The Secret".