Dr. Linda Mundorff, RN, MPH, MSN, ND, CNC, CTN has worked in health care for over 30 years. In 1982 she started her career as one of the few master’s prepared public health workers, and eventually went on to obtain both her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Nursing, 1992 and 2000, respectively. As a nurse, Mundorff worked in a variety of areas, from orthopedics, telemetry, and after surgery care to geriatrics, pediatrics, and obstetrics. In the late 1990’s, she became a tenured Associate Professor at Red Rocks Community College in Colorado.
In 2000, concerned about health care reform, and passionate about teaching, she began developing seminars in helping others become self-advocates and better informed consumers of health. In 2003, she completed her Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.) degree and successfully passed the national Certification examination in Traditional Naturopathy (CTN). Dr. Mundorff is the author of three books:
Medical Terminology: A Student Workbook, (Rener, L.)
Memories of My Sister: Dealing with Sudden Death, (Rener, L)
Take Control: A Guide to Holistic Living is an innovative health guide that helps the reader learns how to regain control of their health by discovering the practical effectiveness of combining alternative and modern medicine.
You can email Dr. Mundorff at DrMundorff@NaturallySavvy.com or at Bridges2hlth@aol.com