Kate Cohen-Posey is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in central Florida since 1973. She was trained in EMDR in 1995 and became a certified EMDR therapist in 1997.
When people have experienced severe trauma, Cohen-Posey closely follows the EMDR protocol. For less specific problems with anxiety (OCD, panic disorder, social phobia), the dual attention stimuli used in EMDR is combined a variety of treatment methods. She is on the forefront of emerging approaches that release people from the stranglehold of distressing thoughts with mindful obervations from their core Selves.
Cohen-Posey has designed a communication training program that combines the wisdom of the martial arts with hypnotic syntax that can make dealing with difficult people a delightful, empowering event. She has codified a myriad of responses that fall into four major categories: Acting-as-if, Asking questions, Active listening, and Hypnotic and humorous responses. Together they breath AAAH into life's grueling moments.
Often the way out of psychological dilemmas is to go deeper inside. Kate Cohen-Posey helps people access the still small voice of their true Self to ease tirades (from inner bullies) with empowering dialogues.
When dealing with real live bullies, Cohen-Posey believes it is a greater sin to take offense than to give offense. She brings hypnotic syntax into everyday language to add grace to life's grueling moments.
Kate Cohen-Posey
Psychiatric & Psychological Services
930 Alicia Road
Lakeland, FL 33801
863-680-1950; 863-686-4592