"When you changethe way you look at things, the things you look atchange." What Einstein and other physicists learned was that youare the agent for change in your life! And I can help you with that!There are an estimated 140 human issues that can be helped with hypnotherapy and its various modalities: insomnia, smoking, nail biting, test-taking anxiety, fears, phobias of all kinds, teeth grinding (aka bruxism), body syndromes, etc. A hypnotic state is a naturally occurring state. In fact we go into a hypnotic state several times a day: just before you go to sleep; just as you awaken from sleep; when you are doing something that you frequently do (like driving the same way to work every day); watching a movie or TV where you are very involved in what's happening. Hypnosis simply induces that natural state to help you change unwanted behaviors, habits or responses to situations. You will notice feeling a little better just by calling me and setting up an appointment. That is the power of suggestibility!
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Albert Einstein
"Poor people do almost anything to avoid problems. They see a challenge and run. The secret is to grow yourself so that you are bigger than any problem. The size of the problem is never the issue -- what matters is the size of you." T. Harv Eker
Things I learned from a very challenging job: 1.) From an abusive supervisor I learned that even though another's negative behavior might effect me personally, I'm not in it. And, by labeling it, identifying it, I am stronger than it. 2.) Lay down and people will walk over you. Therefore, I learned that I am never a victim of someone else's agenda. 3.) Passing judgment on others only opens one up to criticism. Give respect first or don't complain when you don't get any. Karen Nelson, M.A., CHt
Visit my website: www.TransesseCoaching.com and check out what hypnotherapy is and what I can do. Then contact me either through the website email or call me: (818) 299-3355.
Please contact me for an apointment to help you with unwanted responses to life situations: www.TransesseCoaching.com
I offer in person one on one sessions and long distance telephone sessions as well.