Julia Nestler has a degree in Medicine and Healthcare from Stockholm University in Sweden. In all, she has studied and trained the socio-psychological area for more than 20 years, seven of which have been at the university level.
Julia Nestler started to develop her interest in human behaviour and psychology as a young teenager. Her curiosity became her burning interest and led her to study these subjects on her own, through books, courses and workshops – and also to an active and intense involvement in charity work within several organisations.
As time went on, she began to develop a serious interest in the issue of ethics in healthcare and the controversial questions surrounding it. She saw that an opportunity to study these questions more deeply and at first hand existed in healthcare institutions and hospitals, and she passionately began to work in this area both as an assistant, and in due course, as a creator and leader of her own projects in communication, ethical issues, and quality assurance programs.
During one period of her life, she also developed a parallel interest in the corporate world and studied communication and economics, in conjunction with working in the world of private corporations and financial institutions. She quickly became a top performer in her field, both as a sales person and as a team-leader, but, with passage of time, she became aware that althought she was happy and fully engaged in her job, she nevertheless, now and then, missed working with the entirely different sort of communication that she had enjoyed and found so rewarding with her former patients.
Her next step was therefore to take a degree in Medicine and Healthcare, which enabled her to work even more effectively with interactive-communication and ethical situations, especially through her rewarding contacts with her patients.
Julia’s talents in communication, insight into ethical issues, and her burning desire to help others, finally brought her to the Self-improvement field, where she applied herself to the goal of studying several areas in psychology at different institutions.
All told, her studies mounted to seven years. Since then, she has combined her hard-won education with successfully creating and leading Self-improvement projects of her own design in different fields.
Julia has also found the time to become the grounder and CEO of her own organisations and companies involving several hundred co-workers. Her mission has always been to improve the quality of people’s lives through personal development, with special focus directed on developing positive self-esteem..
Julia Nestler has also devoted a significant period of time in her life to professional sports She was both a champion swimmer and a dancer. This required mastering special mental techniques and self-discipline, a challenging experience which has contributed to the practical, real-world foundation of her teachings.
Julia Nestler has recently decided to say yes to a job as a CEO with a large company in nothern Europe. Her next plan for the future is to lay the groundwork for leading her own off-line workshops in Personal Development and Leadership in the US and internationally, as well as developing new projects together with other Personal Development experts and workshop facilitators.
Many of us were raised in a home where approval and love
were especially shown to us when we accomplished something.
Parents, understandably enough, want to let their children
know how pleased they are with their children's accomplishments.
As a child, perhaps you got to hear how "wonderfully bright"
you were when you did something. And perhaps you were never
wonderfully bright when you didn't do something.
Here, small children often make a huge misinterpretation by
believing they aren't worthy if they fail to achieve and
accomplish all the time.
In many instances, this "failing" is one of the biggest hidden
reasons why we drive ourselves so hard as young adults and
mature grown-ups - basically, an old misunderstanding we still
carry from our childhood.
This can also be a notable cause of low self-esteem even later
in life.
The beauty with raising and nurturing our self esteem is
coming to the full realization that we are OK and lovable
just as we are.
Here's a statement that can decrease "negative stress" in ourlives and increase our wellness:
**You matter, simply because you exist. You don't have to do
anything - you don't have to be anything. You matter, simply
because you exist.**
Once we make this conclusion, we allow ourselves to accomplish
any task we take on with more joy and effectiveness, and, at
the same time, we make the goal of finding and maintaining a
balance between our work and necessary recreation so much
- Julia Nestler
You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.
- Winston Churchill
Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain but simply points the way
- Florence Scovel Shinn
A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.
- Harvey Mackey
The best way to get started with Julia Nestler is to take advantage of her listed resources and websites.