Bailey’s life purpose is to help people find true happiness and peace of mind.
Towards this end, he studied psychology at the undergraduate and graduate
levels, eventually becoming a licensed psychologist. For the past thirty
years, Joe’s desire to understand the connection between the psychological,
physical and spiritual facets of human beings has pulled him into a deeper
understanding of the whole person and away from the current fragmented
view. His search led to a health-based approach to counseling, prevention
programs, workplace wellness and the attainment of a personal life of peace,
joy and fulfillment for all people.
In his career, Joe has worked as a marriage and family counselor, university
teacher, trainer of therapists, author, and consultant to organizations. He has
been a pioneer in his profession, weaving together ideas and insights on
psychology and spirituality. In his twenties, he became a trainer of counselors
in family therapy and addictions and introduced ideas of primary prevention of
addictions to the treatment profession. Over the next twenty years, Joe helped
pioneer a revolutionary new psychology, Health Realization, which focused on
seeing and actualizing health rather than the current disease model.
Joe brought a psychological/spiritual health model into the work place,
especially healthcare. He helps organizations appreciate the importance of the
mental well-being of their employees and managers in order to create healthy
and productive organizations. This approach was used as a model, by Joe and
other faculty members, to create “The Inner Life of Healers” program at the
University of Minnesota Medical School, where Joe was an adjunct faculty
Joe’s first book, The Serenity Principle
(Harper Collins, 1990) has had
a significant impact on the treatment of thousands of clients and addiction
professionals throughout the world. His best selling book, Slowing Down to
the Speed of Life
(co-authored with Richard Carlson, Harper San Francisco,
1997) and later The Speed Trap
(Harper San Francisco, 1999) were other
expressions of his approach in and out of the work place. In these books he
communicates the principles of living and realizing inner peace and health and
how to transcend a major problem facing our society—the frenetic pace of life
and stress. Joe’s fourth book, Slowing Down to the Speed of Love
, was an
accumulation of his life’s realizations that take the reader in a more
spiritual direction than his previous books. It guides readers to practically
live their life from their true spiritual core and shows them how this
awareness impacts all of their relationships.
Joe’s recently completed book,
Your Life
October, 2007 (Conari Press), was written
in response to the wave of fear that has swept our culture in this new
century. In this book he offers us a way out of a life tainted by fear,
insecurity and worry. He shows the reader how to connect to an inner source of
security, wisdom and peace of mind, no matter what is happening around them. By
living our lives from the source of a fearless state of mind—the true Self, we
are able to wisely and creatively respond to the challenges of today’s world.
Living our lives collectively from our ego selves and fear has gotten us into
the crisis we now find ourselves in the world. A spiritual realization is the
only antidote to the stress and fear that have become the norm in our world.
Joe spreads his message of hope and understanding through public speaking,seminars and retreats, consultation to organizations and through this website.
Joe lives and works with his wife, Michael, in St. Paul, Minnesota and is a
father and grandfather. He is passionate about being in nature whether fly
fishing, kayaking or skiing in the mountains. He combines his passions and his
purpose in his Fly Fishing for the Mind
retreats. His interest in the mind/body/spirit connection has led him
to the study of Russian Kettlebells, Qi Gong and Tai Chi.
For much of my life, fear wrapped its tentacles around my
true Being. It was ever-present in a hidden way, guiding most of my actions,
decisions and relationships. Fear was a lifestyle for me, bit I didn’t realize
this consciously. Now, as I live more each day wholly as my Self, I see how all
pervasive it has been.
I am grateful to be free of fear. This is not to say that I don’t still
feel fear or have fearful thoughts from time to time, but fear is no longer in
the driver’s seat. I am not afraid of fear.
As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”
Fearing fear is a downward spiral that leads to the dampening of our human
spirit and the expression of it.
Now I see fear as a guidance system, just like pain and discomfort are a
guidance system for my body, to alert me to listen within to the inner voice ofmy wisdom. It is only when we turn within to the voice of our Universal
Intelligence, that we are free of the control of fear’s grip on our lives.
-Joe Bailey
Please visit Joe Bailey and Associates to learn more about Joe's areas of expertise and to begin your personal journey toward true happiness and peace of mind.