Ms. Dawson has been passionate about Network Marketing & Multi-level Marketing since the mid 80's. Whether involved in a company or not, Ms. Dawson has always kept her hand on the pulse of MLM, learning about different compensation plans, companies, and ways to market.
In 2006, Ms. Dawson finally found a company that she felt was the ideal company and plan. Within her first year, she grew her team, spoke at various company events, and invested large amounts of time and energy learning about self-development and how it pertains to success in Network Marketing.
Ms. Dawson has been named Rising Star of 2007, Distributor of the Month, and performs corporate wide coaching calls, all while building a business with both retail and residual income.
Ms. Dawson attributes her success in network marketing to the work she's done on herself, and strongly encourages anyone, through her coaching, that the best way to success is through self development and growth.
Since then, Ms. Dawson has written several articles, created a successful blog, and is currently working on her first book, a true experience about her unusual marriage of eight years.
In her spare time, Ms. Dawson is an avid athlete, indoor cycling instructor, passionate bikram Yogini, and lover of this life.
According to her children, she is the best boo-boo kisser, healer, chef, story time reader, and knows how to rock it out.
Ms. Dawson lives in Reno, Nevada with her two young children.
Coaching: Jhanna Dawson
My company of choice: Scent-Sations, Inc.
Twitter: jhannadawson
Facebook: jhannadawson