The term 'expert' does not sit well with me so I looked up the meaning to see if I could consider myself to be an expert. The dictionary says: "a very skillful person; a person who knows a great deal about some special thing; authority; specialist;"
I have never thought to be an 'authority', 'a specialist' or a particularly 'skillful' person.However I am a very practical person who can turn her hand to many things, have always had a very 'down to earth' attitude about life, have managed to stay happily married to the one man for 40+ years, have produced three well-adjusted and successful children who have presented me with seven delightful grandchildren. Where HAVE all the years gone?
My interest in nutrition and wellness began when just at an age when I was experiencing some minor health challenges, I was introduced to some natural supplements that had a huge impact on my health.
This set me on a trail of research that led, in time, to the development of a website which has become a great source of interest for me and one that I hope will help others like me along the path of 'wellness'.
It is all too easy to be persuaded that we need medication at the first sign of any symptoms or abnormalities in our health status. There is no doubt in my mind that we have become an 'over-medicated' society.
Strangely enough, I started my working life as an apprentice Pharmacist working in a hospital dispensary where I spent my days counting pills and handing them out to a continual stream of 'sick' people. I soon realised that wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life!
Over the years, while most of my time was centred on my family, I have been involved with many different businesses and have had a varied and interesting life.
I guess my main aim now is to stress the importance of 'eating the right foods', supplementing with 'natural food based nutrients' and 'exercising to keep our bodies running efficiently'.
I am passionate about spreading the word about the importance of natural based sugars, glyconutrients, that are so vital in the whole process of keeping our bodies at an optimal health level.
Most people do not yet understand the significance of glyconutrients to their continuing overall health. There are many 'must have' supplements out there making all sorts of claims, most of them quite justifiably. However, science now tells us that 'glyconutrients' are the absolute 'essential' to enable 'cell-to-cell' communication and support the immune system. We can read and hear about vitamins, minerals and herbals all day long, but, without optimal cell-to-cell communication, none of them can work effectively.
Every cell in every system of every human organ requires these eight saccharides (glyconutrients). Evidence suggests that glyconutrients are the only dietary supplement that can be supportive and helpful in virtually every function of the body.
Can you afford to ignore them? Find out more at
or join me as a wellness friend and receive a free copy of the GlycoReport.
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Contact me now and get started on the road to 'optimal' health. You'll be so pleased you did.
"Healthy Cells=Healthy Bodies"
"One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive." (Hieroglyph found in an ancient Egyptian tomb.)
"Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food." Hippocrates
"All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the challenge of science is to find it." Paracelsus (1493-1541)
"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." Thomas Edison
"The human body heals itself and nutrition provides the resources to accomplish the task." Roger Williams Ph.D. (1971)
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Your mother, my mother....
Please visit my website where you can sign up for my free monthly newsletter "Choose Wellness" and receive free copies of "The Science of Getting Rich", "Eat Right..without the Marketing Hype", the Glyco Report and others that are added from time to time.
The <a href="">Wellness Choices Blog</a> will keep you up to date with new additions to the website.
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I'd love you to contact me.
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You can also visit to find our more about the latest venture that I am very excited about.