J. Glenn Ebersole is a multi-faceted professional, who is recognized as a visionary, guide and facilitator in the fields of marketing, public relations, management, strategic planning and engineering. Glenn is Director of Strategic Marketing and Senior Consultant at LMA Consulting Group in Lancaster, PA.
He is the Founder and of two Lancaster, PA based consulting practices: The Renaissance Group, a creative marketing, public relations, strategic planning and business development consulting firm and J. G. Ebersole Associates, an independent professional engineering, marketing, and management consulting firm.
He is a Certified Facilitator and serves as a business coach and a strategic planning facilitator and consultant to a diverse list of clients. Glenn is known as "Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach" and is the author of "Glenn's Guiding Lines - Thoughts From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach" a monthly newsletter and has published more than 340 business articles. Glenn develops and presents seminars and workshops on marketing, public relations, business ethics, strategic thinking & planning, crisis communications and crisis management. He also has many professional speaking topics with a few of the most popular being:
1. "Success in the Years Ahead Through Marketing or Divine Intervention"
2. "How To Prevent Foot In Mouth Disease - A Prescription From The PR Doctor For Healthy Media Relations"
3. "What To Do Before, During and After It Hits The Fan - A Plan For Crisis Management"
4. "The Business of Ethics and The Ethics of Business"
Glenn has also been called "The PR Doctor" due to his experience with writing prescriptions for healthy media relations; his treating & curing some unhealthy media relations for clients; his presentation of seminars and workshops on how to work with the media; and his considerable experience in advising and counseling clients in dealing with crisis communications with the media.
Ebersole began his multi-faceted career in 1970 with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and worked in various transportation-related departments. During his government service he traveled throughout the United States directing a variety of special transportation-related projects, including involvement in the marketing and public relations parts of these projects as well. During his state government service he received accolades from legislators and cabinet members.
Ebersole’s distinguished career includes working with several internationally known celebrities on special projects and numerous personal speaking appearances at local, state, national, & international conferences across the country. Glenn acts as a publicist and provides professional management for artistic & athletic personalities, including retired NFL players.
A native of Lancaster, PA, Ebersole is also a Registered Professional Engineer in five states and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Engineering Degree in Engineering Science from the Pennsylvania State University. He is listed in: Who’s Who In The East; Who’s Who In Finance & Industry; Who’s Who Of Emerging Leaders In America; Who’s Who In Advertising; Who’s Who in Science and Engineering; Who’s Who In America; and Who’s Who In The World. He is also a lifetime member of The Pennsylvania Society.
For more information about Glenn, his newsletter, programs, speaking engagements and topics and his strategic thinking and planning, business coaching, business consulting, marketing, public relations and crisis management services, please contact:
J. Glenn Ebersole
Director of Strategic Marketing and Senior Consultant
LMA Consulting Group
1848 Charter Lane
Lancaster, PA 17601
Phone: (717) 509-8889, xtn. 243
Fax: (717) 509-8879
Website: www.lmaconsulting.cc
email: jge@lmaconsulting.cc
The Strategic Thinking Store:
Professional Services:
Business Expert Webinars:
Glenn is working with H. Les Brown on launching something extraordinary to help people in these extraordinary times. Please check it out at:
September 09 2008 How to Immunize Your Business Against Recession
by J. Glenn Ebersole
:: Marketing
October 14 2008 What to do Before, During, and After It Hits The F ...
by J. Glenn Ebersole
:: Crisis Management
Strategic Wealth Teleseminar: Tuesday, August 5th, 8 pm EDT, 5 pm PDT
with Deberah Bringelson
For registration: www.YourStrategicSolutions.com/Wealth_Telesem.php
Discover how to create your own life of wealth, health, wisdom and joy. And enjoy a special bonus of a free Sedona Releasing Session.
Glenn is working with H. Les Brown on launching something extraordinary to help people in these extraordinary times. Please check it out at:
Do people think you have it all together but you know your life is slowly falling apart?
Then you can’t afford not to read this message!
At the Turning Point:
4 Strategies for Sanity
8:00 to 9:00 PM Eastern (NY) Time
Featured New Client: J. Glenn Ebersole is Publicist and PR Agent For Mary Jane McKittrick. Please visit www.boomerandhalley.com
Welcome to the world of Boomer and Halley!
It’s here that parents, grandparents, teachers, and othershave a chance to make a PAWSitive difference in a child’s life.
Tuxedo Cat Productions, Inc., produces the LittleLessons. Big Results.™series of Boomerand Halley storiesfor ages 4-8 to motivate and educate kids to be kind and caring. The books feature Boomerang, anAustralian Shepherd dog, and Halley’s Comet, that silver streak of a cat, whoare adopted by Harold and Edna Sanders in the small Southern town of ShadyPines.
The Boomer and Halley books employ a breakthrough parent-child learningmodality. A paw print highlightsembedded life lessons like manners, cleaning up messes, obeying parents,respecting others’ property, etc. A perforated bookmark is included withprompting questions to give an adult reading to the child an opportunity to pause at the PAW and reinforce these universal values.
Mary Jane McKittrick is the owner of Tuxedo Cat Productionsand the author, producer, and publisher of the Boomer and Halley©intellectual property. “We know from personal experience and statistics, thatthe earlier children are exposed to good values, the better chance they have ofleading successful lives.”
McKittrick says that as far as she knows, no other bookseries targeting this age group teaches multiple values per book in storyformat. “We have seen curriculum-based books that teach how-to read, how-todraw, or even one value per book. We haven’t found any other property thatpresents an entire 10-book series containing four highlighted lessons per book.This series has multi-media potential.”
According to McKittrick, the Boomer and Halley series showcases Life Lessons ofLasting Value, offering value beyond the first reading of each installment. “Byowning the entire series,” says Mary Jane, “you have a set of life lessons fromwhich to teach or remind, if the need arises for a refresher course!”
Best of all, the loveable Boomer and Halley characters are guided by theiradoptive parents without the use of anger, violence, or bad language. Theantics of these four-legged kids and their fun-filled adventures play outagainst the backdrop of the safe, quirky little town of Shady Pines!
Please visit my web site at:
Please subscribe to my newsletter by going to:
Please go to the following to initiate communications to inquire about my professional services:
J. Glenn Ebersole
Director of Strategic Marketing and Senior Consultant
LMA Consulting Group
1848 Charter Lane
Lancaster, PA 17601
Telephone: (717) 509-8889, xtn. 243
email: jge@lmaconsulting.cc
website: www.lmaconsulting.cc
Founder of J. G. Ebersole Associates and The Renaissance Group (TM)
Lancaster, PA
Telephone: (717) 393-9350
email: jgecoach@aol.com
website: www.businesscoach4u.com