I have been involved with Forex trading for about 6 years now. After being disappointed with mainstream indicators I discovered price action trading relatively early in my career. Since then I have made price action the primary focus and driving force of my forex trading, embracing it with a passion.
I don't like using indicators, Fibonacci or pivot levels, I only use the candlesticks to base my trading decisions on. A year into my Forex career became acquainted with Pearce and we started a Forex price action educational blog together at www.dnbforexpriceaciton.com . Since then we have been teaching new aspiring traders how to approach the markets using only price action, high return money management model and sound understanding of trading psychology.
For more information about how we trade, the strategies that we apply to the markets in our everyday trading, or just information about Forex trading in general. Check out our Forex price action educational blog at www.dnbforexpriceaciton.com , feel free to use the contact form to get in touch with su.
You can contact me at support@dnbforexpriceaction.com or dnbpriceaction@gmail.com