Eileen is a published author, gifted healer, and an Access Consciousness™ Certified Facilitator. The combination of philosophy, hands-on tools that work easily, energetic processes and clearings, and body energywork have provided a wonderful shift in Eileen’s approach to life and living. “After being a seeker outside of the box for over 25 years, this weird, wild, wacky stuff that is Access is allowing me to step more fully into my Infinite Beingness. I’d like to share that with you in any way you are drawn.”
Eileen has been engaged in exploring metaphysics, the power of the mind, and energywork for over twenty-five years. She experienced a “spontaneous awakening" of kundalini healing potency in her hands and is also able to intuitively read the underlying energy associated with a physical ailment. If they are ready, Eileen will contribute to the release of this energy block with a variety of tools and allow the body to heal.
Eileen has a Masters in Applied Metaphysics and Mysticism and has taught a variety of classes and seminars, led various healing and drumming groups and celebrations. She is a certified yoga instructor and the author of Vaporizing Clouds: Exploring Mind, Body & Spirit
Energy Healing including
1) Access Bars™ Energy Clearing
2) Energetic Facelift
3) Specific Ailment Energy Healing and Access Body Processes
4) Intuitive Energetic Synthesis
5) Reiki and Kundalini Reiki
Dream Interpretation
Classes and Playshops on a variety of topics: De-molecular Manifestation and Molecular Demanifestation: Spoonbending 101, Clearing Blocks to Money, Wealth & Abundance, Developing Your Psychic Senses, Communicating with your Spirit Guides and Angels, Meditation, Hot Yoga
Eileen Moore Koenigsberg
Light of Dawn EnergyWorks
Pine, CO
www.vaporizingclouds.com to sign up for free newsletter
303. 475. 8695