My name is Dr. Robert Anthony. I’ve spent the last 30 years
unraveling the mysteries of “success” and how the mind holds the
ultimate key to peak personal performance in all areas. In addition to
being a Personal Performance Trainer, I have been licensed as a
Psychotherapist, am currently licensed as a Hypnotist and am a
best-selling author.
I have worked as psychotherapist trained in all forms of Energy
Therapy including NLP, TFT, TAT, and EFT. I am also licensed by theAmerican Board of Hypnotherapy and a practicing member of the
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.
I have authored over 15 books, which have been published in 22
countries, including best-sellers such as The Ultimate Secrets of Total
Self-Confidence and Beyond Positive Thinking. I have appeared on ABC,
CBS and NBC television, and my client list includes Federal Express,
Mary Kay, Proctor and Gamble, and many Fortune 500 companies.
Over the past 30 years well over 10 million people from all over the
world have profited by attending my seminars, reading my books, orlistening to my tape and CD programs. My books alone have sold millions
of copies all over the world.
Recently, I was acknowledged as the inspiration behind “The Secret”…
Released in 2006, “The Secret” has reportedly sold worldwide between2 to 4 million copies, plus an additional 2 million copies of the DVD.
You very possibly saw the book featured on Oprah, or Larry King
Live, Ellen DeGeneres, NBC’s The Today Show, or CBS’s The Early Show.
And Newsweek and Time magazines also ran articles on “The Secret”.
I am grateful to Rhonda Byrne for acknowledging me in her book as
her “inspiration” behind “The Secret” - which essentially is a bookabout the Law of Attraction - a subject I have been teaching for 30
One of the reasons I declined to get involved with the project was I
felt the message was too “lightweight”. It covered one part of the Lawof Attraction equation, but did not cover the action component or
follow-up process…
…nor did it cover our unconscious beliefs, and how most of the timewe are not even aware that we are manifesting from our unconscious mind.
The effect was many people were very inspired at first, but then
became discouraged when they actually tried to use “The Secret” on an
ongoing basis.
Understanding the relationship between mind, money and riches in life.....
Visit my blog for articles and free information to help you begin to learn how to truly attract anything you desire without struggle.
You can contact me through the blog ( ), either by way of commenting or visiting the Ask Dr. A. section.
Or feel free to email us directly at