Dr. Rachel B. Aarons is a licensed clinical social worker with more than thirty-five years experience helping individuals, couples and families. She has been a hypnotherapist for over 20 years and a certified EMDR therapist since 2003. She is currently in private practice in Santa Barbara, California. Rachel is the author of Journey to Home: Quintessential Therapy and Beyond and the upcoming publication: Therapy at Lightning Speed: Case Studies of EMDR. She has developed a format that allows people to resolve an issue in just five hours. Her upcoming book describes the process in detail.
* Certified EMDR therapist
* Hypnotherapist with over 20 years experience
* Family therapist trained by Virginia Satir
* Gestalt therapist
Are you feeling stuck with a problem that just won't go away?? If you don't want to spend a long time in therapy and you're ready to make changes in your life, EMDR might be right for you. It can be effective in:
*unlocking blocked feelings and unproductive patterns of behavior;
*freeing you of negative effects from the past;
*releasing energy so you can accomplish your life goals; *helping you develop more intimate and satisfying relationships; *giving you a new sense of clarity and freedom and a renewed zest for life. My areas of specialization are: stress management, mood disorders, relationship issues, weight control, chronic pain and healing trauma.You can learn about my work by looking at my website which has extensive information about my areas of specialization. My first book, Journey to Home: Quintessential Therapy and Beyond presents my theory of therapy and self-help exercises to apply this theory in your own case. My upcoming book, Therapy at Lightning Speed: Case Studies of EMDR, outlines the format I use and gives you an inside look at the process of therapy with nine different clients, each with a different issue.
Dr. Rachel B. Aarons LCS #18298
Certified EMDR therapist & Hypnotherapist
tel.(805) 450-6365
fax (805) 617-1700
email: rbaarons@yahoo.com