Christine Breese is aninternationally respected metaphysical teacher, meditation retreat facilitator, and founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences.
Devoted to teaching and awakening others in this era
of spiritual unfoldment, Christine founded Universal Church of Metaphysics, a non-denominational,
non-dogmatic supportive faith community for spiritual seekers and lightworkers
of all walks of life. A large part of the Church’s mission is training
others to heal and share their light with the world; University
of Metaphysical Sciences
fulfills this goal by offering comprehensive education and ministerial training
to thousands of students worldwide.
Breese created the University
Of Metaphysical Sciences
for everyone who is interested in awakening or helping others in their
awakening. The experiential parts of the courses trigger direct experiences of
deep stillness and trance states in which timelessness and peace are
experienced. The curriculum is designed to assist the student in attaining the
ability to live in the ever-unfolding now, the magic zone. The curriculum is
also specifically geared to informing the student on how to help others on the
path to enlightenment and awakening.
Christine's official website is and University of Metaphysical Sciences can be found at
There is
nothing one must do except be awake in the moment, and everything else takes
care of itself. It takes trust and surrender to live this way, letting life
unfold for you rather than directing it yourself with the human mind. Realize
that the self is eternal consciousness which never changes, can never be
harmed, and never dies. It doesn't need to be fixed or healed, it doesn't have
to evolve. The real you is already whole... it's not a process. Realizing this
frees you from the human condition. You have found what you are looking for
right here in this moment, in the very fact that you are aware intelligence,
with or without the body. Once direct experience of who you really are has
taken place and it is brought into daily life, wholeness and peace become your
natural way. This results in living your enlightenment in this lifetime, which
automatically creates the beautiful life you always wanted. As you radiate this
grace to others around you it may seem like a brand new way of being in
life—and it is. It is lucid living. The first challenge is to become lucid,
rather than operating on automatic pilot through life. The next challenge is to
maintain that lucidity without falling back to sleep into the human condition.
Stopping the mind is the first step. This is where it begins. It only deepens
from there.