Let me introduce myself. I’m Karen Finn, PhD. I’ve dedicated my life to helping you improve yours, particularly during and after a life changing event like divorce.
Why do I do this? Because I’ve been where you are. Click to learn more about my story.
I work with people going through divorce who struggle with moving on from the repercussions of their divorce and who want to find the direction they need to be confident and happy again.
I recently coached:
A woman in her mid 30s with 2 young children who was getting divorced and working through her husband's betrayal. Coaching gave her a confidential sounding board for expressing her thoughts and fears. She realized her emotions were "normal" and that she was very capable of moving on with her life.
A man in his mid 40s who was divorced several years ago and recently remarried. He realized that many of the difficulties he had in his first marriage were re-surfacing in his second. Coaching enabled him to see how he was falling back into old patterns and then make the small changes to his behavior that resulted in significant changes in his marriage.
A stay-at-home mom in her early 50s who was facing divorce. She had not held a job outside the home in more than 10 years. Through a combination of coaching and consulting, she was able to improve her computer skills and improve her confidence so she could land a job that would allow her to support herself and her teenage son.
In these examples, identifying details have been changed to maintain confidentiality.
The Functional Divorce Program
Divorce is one of the most stressful life events you can experience. I know not just because the research says so, but because I've experienced it too. When I got divorced nearly 10 years ago, I wished there was a single resource I could turn to to help me make it through my divorce and all the life changes that came with it, but there wasn't. I had to go through my painful transition with bits and pieces of help from various people, but I was charting my own path completely alone. I made mistakes and poor decisions because I was caught up in all the change and not able to be objective. I don't want that to happen to you.
I developed The Functional Divorce Program to help people like you. You don't have to piece together a team of professionals, friends and family and muddle through your divorce. You deserve to have a professional who works with divorce every day work with you through the entire process of what is often a confusing and painful transition and discover how to be confident and happy again.
Coach's Credentials
Complimentary Consultation
I offer a 45-minute complimentary telephone consultation for individuals who are interested in experiencing my coaching and learning more about how The Functional Divorce Program can help them reduce their stress, find happiness again and rediscover the best of themselves. You can arrange a complimentary consultation by calling me now at 817-993-0561 or e-mailing me at karen@functionaldivorce.com .
When Your Relationship Ends www.functionaldivorce.com/wyre.html
Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale & Debriefing w/ Karen www.functionaldivorce.com/fdasproduct.html
To learn more about Karen Finn and the work she does, please visit www.functionaldivorce.com