Denise J. Hart,MFA, is known as The Motivated Mindset Coach! She has over 20 years experience working in the fields of motivation, creativity and theatre. Through her company, Words to Live By, llc Denise has dedicated herself to teaching women the tools and skills to Create - Transform & Thrive in their lives and their businesses. She's been a student of personal development for over 25 years, having studied among others: Busclagia, Peck, Chopra, Tolle, Prather, Hendricks and Rollo May. Among the hats Denise wears, she is a Speaker/Author and Associate Professor of Theatre at Howard University as well as an accomplished actress. Her most recent work can be seen on season 4 of HBO's The Wire as Miss Anna. In addition to being an athelete herself, Denise spent many years as a championship winning coach for the Boys and Girls clubs of America. In her spare time, she runs the blog, Solutions from The Motivation Mama! where you can find postively real tips and insights for living the life your truly desire 24 hours a day!
"21 Days of Motivation" Home study course
Strengthen your creativity & motivaiton skills so you can live the life you want right now!
"Motivation Solutions" 10 day ecourse for immediate success strategies
"The 2 most powerful words in the Universe are I Choose... what are you choosing today?"
"Never practice postive thinking without the positive action of application"
"Self judgment is the death of creativity, while self assessment opens you up to unlimited possibility"
"People who feel good about themselves produce the best results"
"There's no substitute for showing up and doing whatever needs to be done"
"Maturity -taking an honest look at our selves & the situation and then doing whatever needs to be done to make change including what we don't want to do"
"Meaninglessnes is an energy drain, and meaningfulness is an energy boost"
Like all skills our ability to motivate ourselves must be developed and strengthend. My approach to assisting clients is through teleseminars and interactive virtual workshops that take the client through a fun but intensive training period designed to mature the skills of motivation, creativity, discipline, courage, managing negativity, time management, & celebration.
I believe that all persons are deeply creative and that it's within our impulse to create that we discover the fuel that feeds our motivational aptitudes. Oftentimes we don't lack motivation as much as we are floundering in one of the 7 mindsets of creativity, thus spinning our wheels, we end up quitting. I've heard many people say that they are not creative. This statement lies at the foundation of why many people are unable to maintain their motivation over time. The truth is, all people are creative, however, some people develop their creativity into an artistic expression. Working with me my clients begin to understand the connection of their mindset about their creative capacity to their ability to self-motivate.
When a client enters into the realm of discovery of the link between their creativity and their ability to motivate themselves and maintain that motivation is when I experience the greatest joy.