Debra Beck Author of My Feet Aren't Ugly, A Girls' Guide to Loving herself from the inside out . Debra is a teen mentor for girls and parents to empower them through learning to like who they are, and to help parents find the right tools to build self-esteem in their teen.
Born in Neptune, New Jersey, Debra moved to Arizona when she was seven. As a teenage girl, she struggled with the same issues that normal teenage girls face – anxiety about school, friends, peer pressure, family life, not liking – or even knowing – who she was, and not fitting in. What Debra didn’t realize was that these difficult years were preparing her for her life’s work.
When Debra realized that low self-esteem was aWhen her two daughters became teenagers, Debra came to understand that her experience as a teen was not so different after all. Through observing her daughters, Debra saw that these girls, and so many of their friends, were confronting the very issues she had faced. It was then that Debra became aware not only of how painful it is to be a teenage girl, but realized that low self-esteem was a universal problem for most girls in their teens.
Helping teenage girls to empower themselves becameWith 20 plus years experience in self-development, a first-hand awareness of just how difficult the teenage years can be, empathy, and a passion for making a difference, Debra discovered her life’s work: helping young girls learn how to truly love themselves from the inside out.
Debra has experienced being both a tormented teenager and a worried parent, and through her experiences she has compassion and understand which allows her to mentor with her heart.
"If we do not have love for ourself, it is hard to attract love and caring from others".
I believe that if we do not do our work on ourself to start caring for ourself, like we have little children inside us, we will always be in a state of neediness. We will always be looking outside of ourself for the love we are not giving to ourself.
To me it looks as simple as treating ourselves like we have a child within. If you wouldn't want your daughter or son to be in a certain situation, why would you put yourself in it. The more we take care of ourself, the more we do not need someone else to take care of us.
My web Sites and are great tools for both Teen Girl's and Parents to use to get information on teen issues and parenting. I Blog regularly and it is very interactive. Also sign up for my Newsletter through my Web Site. My Feet aren't Ugly, A Girl's Guide to Loving herself from the inside out, can be purchased at Barnes and Noble, Borders, And Amazon.I am currently writing a parenting book to help parents become more connected to their children, of all ages.
Debra Beck
P.O. Box 772
Sedona, AZ 86339
(928) 300-0447