Partnering with entrepreneurs and professionals to create balanced lives while earning more money.
Founder and creator of Motivational Whisperers the first social networking site of it's kind. For self help professionals where we do all the marketing and advertising and you do what you love.
Motivational Whisperes changing lives by the minute.
Dawn Abraham has been guiding people to success for over fifteen years. Her resourceful and motivating tactics have generated millions of dollars for companies large and small. As a successful entrepreneur herself her specialty is small business marketing; starting and growing your business.
Dawn can lead you to the magic of "Build it and they will come!"
Successful high six figure income; Sales Director and Regional Manager for Nation Wide Companies. Dawns ability to create a business and bring it to profit with in the first year for her own business as well as her clients is remarkable! Working in the corporate world she moved mountains and broke records at every level. Member of "The Winners Circle" and "The Presidents Club." Five consecutive years.
She has won over 75 high achievement awards for Sales, Customer Service, Fastest Growing offices and Highest Customer Retention.
Dawn is a certified life and business coach from Coach Training Alliance an ICF approved program and a member of the International Coaching Federation.
Dawn is a Motivational Speaker and Author. Her powerful life changing seminars and Master Mind groups on the "Law of Attraction" and "Creating your Ideal Business" has lead thousands of professionals to success beyond their expectation.
Perfect Health Instructor: Studied with Deepak Chopra in the ancient Indian Medicine of Ayuvreda. Body, Mind Medicine. Yoga and Primordial Sound Meditation. Combining the Body Mind and Spirit for perfect heath and balance.
Connect with me on Twitter:
FREE TELECLASS "Shoot for the Stars" for Entrepreneurs
Your greatest gift is your happiness.
Are you thought of as a Motivational Whisperer?
Partnering with self help professionals to build their business network who don't have the time to market.
There are so many wonderful talented people out there that no one knows about.
We here at Qualified Life Coach.Com feel we want to bring all of the talented experts and professionals out into the center of attention to shine their light.
It's a new day and with that we want to bring out the people that were born to motivate, inspire and lead! I'm talking about all of you who are in some way helping and serving others.
Life Coaches, Healers, Reiki Masters, Motivational Speakers, Light Workers, Psychic’s, Self help teachers, Business Coaches, Yoga Instructors, Meditation teachers, Health Instructors, Therapists, Motivational Coaches, Spiritual Coaches, and the list goes on and on. If you recognize yourself here fill out our form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Our website is very popular and growing by the second. 98,000 page views a month right now; over 40,000 social contacts and ten thousand targeted newsletter readers.
We have so much business over here that we want to share it with the people out there that have so much to offer but have not been discovered.
This brings us to why we are opening a section of our website called Motivational Whisperers
This is the first ever social networking site for self help professionals. We do everything for you all you do is show up and hold the classes or do your coaching and sell your products whatever it is you do best. Let us take care of getting the classes filled and bringing in the traffic.
Our offer to you is:
Each expert/professional will have your own page that we have search engine optimized for you so it gets found on the search engines and you can link that to your web site.
We have everything set up so you can do anything with your business you would like. You can hold classes, do your own Master Mind Groups, give seminars, sell your e-books, videos, or one on one coaching. The pages will be set up to convert and pull in traffic.
You can take any form of payment that you decide that will be your responsibility. We are just giving you the vehicle in which to get the business and making sure people know about it, and you.
We realize people may already know about you, which is a plus. Our offer is taking it up another level so people can take advantage of your talents and abilities in a big way.
Every package comes with a 30 FREE trial. There is no risk!
Package Options
Every package comes with the free trail page for 30 days
1. The Premiere Deluxe Package:Where you are in one of our Master Mind Groups and your page is included for that month. The cost of our Master Mind group is only $295.00 and your page is free every month that you are in the Master Mind Group. You have a onetime set up fee of $50.00. Every month after that you decide to keep your page it is only $35.00.
You not only get to try it out but in the groups we will talk about how you can build up your page to make as much money as you want or need. With our support, and high traffic site along with our marketing skills you will get business.
Additionally you will be exposed to and encouraged to work with other like mind professionals to team up with and create webinars, classes, retreats or teleclasses. You have double the reach when you do this and the accountability you need to see it through.
We send out a newsletter every week with new ideas on how to grow your business and let you in on any new and exciting trends in the self help industry that we know you won't want to miss including featuring one of the whisperers that is making it happen so you can not only get inspired but do the same thing.
2. The Premiere Package- only $75.00 each month and a onetime set-up fee of $50.00. If at any time you do decide to join one of our Master Mind Groups then that month your page will be free and after that it will be charged at $35.00 a month.
You each have a customer service representative that will support and help guide you when dealing with successfully setting up your page so it does bring in business.
3. The Premiere Package Page Six months paid in advanceIncludes everything in the Premiere Package including your 30 day FREE trail.- Only $390.00 six months.
4. The Premiere Package Page One Year paid in advanceIncludes everything in the Premiere Package and the 30 day FREE trail.-Only $590.00 a year.
** After one year of being a member all groups-pages and products are 25% off**
Currently looking for professionals to hold groups and be a part of this revolutionary site as independent contractors. Looking for customer service representatives as well.
We would be more than happy to discuss with you how you fit in and exactly how we help you grow your business. Set up a fifteen min. FREE consultation now:
For more detailed information on set up and marketing, go to
To contact Dawn Abraham go to her web site at :
If you would like more information on what Life Coaching is go to: