Dan and Jennifer are the founders and senior editors of www.AskDanAndJennifer.com .
AskDanAndJennifer.com has become the premiere web site about relationships and sexuality on the internet. Dan and Jennifer, in addition to providing value themselves via their insightful articles and videos, have brought together key experts in the areas of dating, love, and sex, making it the go-to destination for all things love and sex.
AskDanAndJennifer.com has achieved a reader base of more 500,000 readers per month with a strong following from many highly successful authors and bloggers. In addition, Dan and Jennifer are featured content providers for YouTube, Revver, and Veoh. Their more than 350 videos receive between 2,000,000 – 4,000,000 views every month.
Visit our website for contact information: http://www.askdanandjennifer.com/contact-us/