Cathy Yeatts is the Official Guide to Network Marketing and MLM on She is a home business owner, (formerly floundering!) network marketer and online entrepreneur, maintaining a women's health web site, several business opportunity sites and a network marketing review blog.
In and out of several network marketing opportunities over the past seven years, she had nearly decided to give up. Fortunately, she came across several 'internet network marketers'--Ann Sieg, Mike Dillard, Mike Klingler and Jonathan Budd-- who are teaching other networkers how to market themselves and thrive on the internet.
She has now fully devoted her efforts towards learning, teaching and cultivating the attraction-based network marketing model, using new social marketing strategies and Web 2.0 techniques.
You may contact her about speaking to your group about Renegade University, as well as the concepts of attraction-based Internet Network Marketing.
The ability to create long-term residual income for ourselves and our families is the appeal of the network marketing model. Finances are tight, expenses for living are up and many of us don't honestly expect to have assistance from Social Security, or other government programs, when we reach retirement age.
It's no wonder that scores of eager new representatives are
enrolling in network marketing opportunities
each and every day. With the assistance now of the internet, many of us can successfully reach to other countries for new distributors. It's an exciting time to be a network marketer if your company has global distribution!
I have to say, though, that the 'anybody-can-do-this' pitch can be misleading and unfortunate. Following this logic, it could be said that anyone can fly an airplane! But not, of course, without a lot of training, instruction and practice. It's just not true that 'anyone' can succeed at a home based business. (If that were true, everyone would be doing it by now.)
Now, I'm not going negative here. New skill sets can be learned and applied to our network marketing businesses...and just about anyone COULD apply them. Unfortunately, many new networkers are enrolled and left to figure out everything on their own. You know, the old 'sink or swim' logic. How ridiculous is that? That's not being a leader and that 's NOT a way to build a large downline that stays with you.
It's not enough to enroll new distributors. It's imperative that we lead our teams, by example, into the Internet age. And if you are thinking that you don't have time to lead other new marketers onto the Internet, guess again. There are a handful of extremely high quality programs that have been created in the past year exactly for our industry.
Get involved in these programs, join their communities...and plug your new people into these skill sets right away. It's hands off for you and it will dramatically improve the odds of success for your new distributors.
Just a few months ago, I ran across a web site of Mike Klingler, a skilled and successful network marketer and trainer. He was in the testing stages of a an online academy for network marketers, named Renegade University. As the philosophical basis for this program, he chose the teachings of Ann Sieg (author of the ebook, The Renegade Network Marketer ) and Mike Dillard, author of the book, Magnetic Sponsoring .
Renegade University is now a thriving new professional community. His personal mission is to restore integrity, dignity and professionalism to our industry, leading by example. The online video tutorials are designed to teach internet network marketing , in a non-intimidating, step by step fashion.
I had often heard the saying, "It's more important WHO you join, than WHAT you join..." Especially now, as the internet continues to rapidly insert itself into many facets of our daily lives, it is CRITICAL that your sponsor be knowledgeable in this new internet network marketing model. If they are reluctant or intimidated, I encourage you to step out and become the next leader in your organization. It's vastly different than person-to-person seliing and warm market tactics. It's 'marketing' first and selling last; when applied properly, your new prospects will sort, convince and sell themselves on joining YOU. Best of all, it can virtually eliminate the need to prospect friends and family.
There are massive numbers of people on the internet, at any given time, interested in starting a home-based business. Learn the skill set of an internet network marketer, and you will soon have the luxury of talking to people who are looking for you and ready to join your opportunity.
If your network marketing career has stalled out, or never really gotten off the ground, this could turn things around for you within a period of months, not years.
~Mike Dillard, Magnetic Sponsoring
~Jonathan Budd, Online MLM Secrets
~Ann Sieg, The Renegade Network Marketer
Contact Cathy for a complimentary 30-minute coaching session on Internet Network Marketing . Read about various MLM opportunities and get online network marketing tips at her network marketing review blog .