Dr. Brenda Shoshanna is a long term Zen practitioner, psychologist, author, speaker and workshop leader. Her work is dedicated to Opening your mind, Lifting your Spirit and Making every day worthwhile. She focuses upon integrating Eastern and Western principles and practices and making them real in our everyday lives.
Brenda offers ongoing Zen talks and dialogues for Inisfada Zen Community, founded by Kennedy Roshi, and elsewhere. She also provides a weekly podcast, ZEN WISDOM FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE, ( www.zenwisdomtoday.com ).
Each week Brenda releases premium audio books each week which include the teachings of Zen and Mindfullness as they apply to all issues in our llives. YOUR BEST SELF, www.bestselfbooks.com
Over the years Brenda has presented over 500 talks and workshops on all aspects of spiritual and psychological development and authentic peace of mind.
Some of Brenda's books incluide, Zen and the Art of Falling in Love, Zen Miracles (Finding Peace in An Insane World, Just Grab the Dust Rag, (Confessions of a Deluded Zen Student), and many more.
Dr. Shoshanna websites
What Others Are Saying
"Dr. Deepak Chopra once told me that he thought the single most common and direct cause of illness was anger. If this is true, Dr. Brenda Shoshanna, has got to be one of the great world class healers of all time."
--R. Winn Henderson, M.D.
“Throughout the program Dr. Shoshanna conducted for our staff her warm personality and ability to get participants emotionally involved in the material was consistently demonstrated. As a result of the program, participants experienced much insight and ability in dealing with relationships.”
-- Dr. Frank Wald
Chairman Mental Health Committee
JFK Medical Center
"The rave reviews you received attest to the power and importance of your presentation. Thank you so much for your inspiration."
-- Adele Marano, LCSW
Director of Patients Services
ALS Foundation
"It is our great pleasure who wholeheartedly recommend Dr Shoshanna, who appears on our show, New Morning TV with regularity. She is lively, intelligent, dependable, provides a great deal of understanding and compassion and is giving and extremely effective in her presentation."
--Mary Sebastiani, Senior Producer at New Morning TV
Dr. Brenda Shoshanna
444 East 82 Street
New York, NY 10028
(212) 288-0028