Bill Austin is well known in the high-tech community as an Internet marketing expert. He is often referred to by his peers as a marketing guru and technology evangelist, with extensive experience in improving bottom line performance for medium sized manufacturing and distribution company marketing efforts.
Bill’s expertise in internet marketing, search engine optimization, and integrated marketing solutions, including viral marketing, and guerilla marketing makes him a valuable asset to enhance your team.
Bill Austin is a well known SEO Expert and Internet marketing expert with extensive expertise in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Integrated Marketing Solutions, including viral marketing, and guerilla marketing.
Bill Austin is also an accomplished systems engineer with extensive experience in security and Internet architecture, information systems and project management. He has proven successes in defining and developing complex systems and problem solving involving wireless and Internet technologies as well as the invention of integrated systems applications.
• One year Subscription to Search Engine Submission
Submit Website to More than 75 Search Engines
• One year Subscription to Directory Submission
Website Directory Submission to More than 100 Second Tier Internet Directories
• Source Code Revisions (up to 5 pages)
• 12 Point Website Analysis
• Add Site Maps
• Comprehensive Analysis of Website - Beyond Website Optimization
Industry and Competitive Analysis
Search and Statistical Analysis
• Marketing Recommendations and Solutions Summary
• Additional Directory Submissions to First Tier Directories
If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying “Circus Coming to the Fairground Saturday”, that’s advertising.
If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that’s promotion.
If the elephant walks through the mayor’s flower bed, that’s publicity.
And if you get the mayor to laugh about it, that’s public relations.
If the town’s citizens go the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths, explain how much fun they’ll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that’s sales.
And, if you planned the whole thing, that’s Marketing!
- Unknown
The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. - Peter F. Drucker 1909-, American Management Consultant, Author
There are reasons some businesses are hugely successful, others “get by” and the less fortunate fail. From a marketing perspective it seems quite simple: You must know your customers and what it takes to make them happy.- Bruce Johnson
There is more similarity in the marketing challenge of selling a precious painting by Degas and a frosted mug of root beer than you ever thought possible.- A. Alfred Taubman
I notice increasing reluctance on the part of marketing executives to use judgment; they are coming to rely too much on research, and they use it as a drunkard uses a lamp post, for support, rather than for illumination.- David Ogilvy
Marketing is what you do when your product is no good.- Edwin Land
No great marketing decisions have ever been made on quantitative data- John Scully
Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.- Milan Kundera - Czech Novelist, Playwright and Poet, b.1929
My Linkedin Profile is here: Bill Austin There is lots of historical information about me and what I have accomplished in the past.
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To determine whether your company, product or service can benefit from my help, read this article about "How to Tell if Your Website Needs Professional Help."
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