Our lives
are made up of many relationships—our parents, relatives, teachers, friends,children, partners in love and business, the mail carrier, and even salespeople
at your local stores. The list goes on and on.
We don't exist in a vacuum,
and—like it or not—everyone, from our closest family and friends to randomly
encountered strangers, plays a vital role in how we experience ourselves and
the world around us. These relationships form the core of our life experience.
If this is true, then the way to having a more happy, successful and satisfying
life can only be found through creating more happy, successful and satisfying
We are
Beth Banning and Neill Gibson, founders of Focused Attention and the creators
of The Art of Conscious Connection
online eCourse. Our mission is to empower you with very effective life skills and
personal development tools--and the ability to use them well. Our passion is to
help you build a strong foundation for deeply satisfying relationships in every
area of your life.
Find out
why over 80% of our clients agree: These courses are extremely effective forbuilding your self-acceptance, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Learn how you
can reduce the stress of difficult conversations and problem situations, accelerate your personal growth, and empower your ability to succeed in the process.
Sign up
for our free thought-provoking and motivational Weekly Action Tips eMail series
by visiting: http://www.FocusedAttention.com/cmd.php?ad=317928&s=sg
Each tip offers practical advice for creating
and living the life you really want.
You can also visit us at either: http://www.FocusedAttention.com?s=sg or http://www.NewAgeSelfHelp.com